What’s up for you this summer?
The question was completely harmless. And yet it sent me into a tailspin. I am typically not at a loss for words. But in that moment I deflected, defended and justified my lack of summer activity. My reaction says a lot about where I am emotionally. Please tell me I’m not the only one who has to relearn very basic lessons. OUCH.
My Value
Timely Sunday morning worship and I have regained my balance. I am not valuable because I was especially productive today or because the world is impressed with my achievements. My value isn’t determined by how my life looks on instagram. I’m not valuable because I’m beautiful or thin or rich or talented or … you fill in the blank. I am valuable because of whose I am — A daughter of the King!
My days are quite mundane. Even though my calendar is packed I don’t have much to show for it. Phone calls fighting with insurance, driving to appointments, advocating for Ian. Thinking, researching and planning possible interim steps Ian can take toward independence. Truly it has become a full time, even thankless, job. How the heck did I get here? I keep telling myself it is a season. Resentment hangs in the balance. And just like that, I am drowning from discouragement.
The Remedy
GRATITUDE. Having gratitude is a discipline. Every day there is something to be thankful for. The shift is so subtle. The focus moves from what I want… to what I have. Here goes. As I write, I am sitting outside in our lovely backyard drinking a glass of merlot. Envied, Doug has joined me. I am grateful to not carry this burden alone. And I’m grateful for the faithful prayers of thousands. I am grateful to live in Albuquerque where it feels like a vacation in your backyard. I am grateful to have the time to devote to project Ian. I am grateful for perspective as I remind myself from where we have come. And just like that the faucet is running. My energy returns with a new sense of joy.
God thank you! Thank you for all of it.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 . 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Give it a go. Debbie Hucke
Liz Bass says
It is amazing how first being thankful for big and small things can change our focus away from self to God’s beautiful bounty. How many times do we have to be hit over the head to realize God is always there for us to give us peace and perspective.
Debbie Hucke says
I agree Liz!
Jennifer Boggs says
You have done, are doing, and will continue to do great things. I have shared your story and will continue to. My coworkers ask me for Ian updates, and have prayed relentlessly along with me. We send our love from NC.
Debbie Hucke says
Wow Jennifer, Thanks for spreading our story and your prayers.
Marilyn Kraft says
Reading your blog adds sunshine to my day.
Debbie Hucke says
Thanks Marilyn for the encouragement!
Carol says
Debbie, your words are always so timely for me and I am sure many others. You help me to step back and assess what is truly important in life. And it sure isn’t what we own, what we DID, how important we feel. Gratitude is the key to happiness. Thanks for always, serendipitously, keeping me on point. ❤️
Debbie Hucke says
Thanks friend!
Michelle says
Beautiful Debbie! Your blog will continue to be a conduit for Gods messages.
Debbie Hucke says
You get the credit for the kick I the pants! ????
Marilyn Lehning says
Thanks for sharing, share so much of what you feel, relearn should be my middle name.
Debbie Hucke says
Amen sister
Sandy says
So excited for your blog!
Kathy McClintic says
Thrilled you are doing this!
Debbie Hucke says
Thanks Kathy! I appreciate your support!
Gretchen McKinney says
I love reading your writing…He’s definitely got this because you often say exactly what I need to hear!!! You are my conduit! Keep up the good work…and squeeze that redhead for the McKinney clan!
Anne Kole says
Keep up with your New Thing, Debbie. You are always an encouragement to me!
Debbie Hucke says
Thanks Anne!
Anne Kole says
I am thankful for you, Debbie. You are a daily blessing. I wish you could hear our choir anthem tomorrow, “I Must tell Jesus”. A good old gospel song filled with rollicking truth!
debhucke says
Thank you Anne. You’re an amazing encourager.