My daddy was the one who named me, apparently after Debbie Reynolds, his favorite actress. My siblings each have names with great heritage and significance.
- Douglas — A distinguished clan name from a long line of powerful Scottish Earls.
- David — arguably the greatest King.
- Diana — “heavenly, divine”
- Deborah — means bee. Yes, as in bumblebee. Maybe that is why I grew up with such a complex.
The worker bee
But… admittedly if I lived in a bee colony I would be a worker. Busy, Busy, Busy, then dead. According to wikipedia, “Worker bees are female but are not capable of reproducing. (That attribute I take exception!) They do all the work in the hive, and they control most of what goes on inside. Their jobs include housekeeping, feeding the queen, drones and larvae, collecting the pollen and nectar, and making the wax. Because they work so hard, during the busy season worker bees live for only about six weeks.”
I continue to enjoy interviewing my mother using the legacy journal. It has been a great tool to jog her memory as well as fun and meaningful. The bonus — with a better understanding of my roots, I’ve gained a better understanding of me. Let’s just say I come from a long line of worker bees.
Work and Productivity
A good day for me is a productive day. I enjoy Audible (audio books on my phone) for example, because it feeds my need to multitask. I can empty the dishwasher, weed my garden and cook dinner while I listen to my book.
Hard work is part of my fabric. But lately I’ve been thinking about to what end. Like the dog chasing his tail, is my work worthwhile? Is my work purposeful or ETERNAL?
What do you do?
I met a new physical therapist this week who asked me an innocent question. “What do you do”? I used to have a practiced response. A response that was truthful, but also made me feel as if YES… even though I work from home, I am a contributor and productive. What I do matters. I am worth it. On this occasion, though, I fumbled the ball.
Nothing, really
I responded, “Nothing really, but it feels as if I’m working harder than I’ve ever worked in my life.” She kind of laughed at me and pretended to understand. She had no idea!!!!
Our exchange hit a nerve. Driving home crying, sunglasses on trying not to be noticed, I thought a lot about that damning phrase, “Nothing Really.”
I am very thankful for my husband Doug who gets it. He never makes me feel as if I don’t contribute enough to our family. He also appreciates the challenge of “nothing really” given my worker bee personality.
His Truth
While in the funk, God met me. He reminded me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:13,14 13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
He knows everything about me. He made me this way. Even more, it saddens Him that I attach self worth to my productivity. I am NOT worthy because of what I do. I am worthy because of whose I am.
After gaining some newfound stability, He asked me a question. Who are you working for anyway? I found the right answer in His word.
Colossians 3:23,24 “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
I’m still trying to assimilate that scripture into my thinking. But if I work “as for the Lord” I cannot lose. The inheritance is my reward.
Invested in Eternity
I may have very little to show for the hours of my days, (chauffeuring, phone calls, calendar management, diplomacy, encouragement, negotiation) but given my unique circumstances, I’m still fully invested in eternity. I’d be foolish not to rethink my priorities. Instead of moaning about my inability to ‘work for men’ in this season, I will attempt to use my current situation to glorify God. The way I see it, it’s a guaranteed investment. Besides demanding my inheritance right now, sounds a bit like a prodigal son that ended up eating with the pigs.
Your Worth
If you’re like me and attach too much of your worth to what you do… consider who you’re working for? How do you think He would view it? Have you ever thought of the eternal purposes He has in mind FOR you in this season? He doesn’t waste a thing, especially your circumstances. Seems to me, if you’re working for the right employer, your efforts are not futile at all.
Debbie Hucke
Mike Coltrin says
“I am NOT worthy because of what I do. I am worthy because of whose I am!”
Yes. As always, this hits home. And thank you for the reminder.
Debbie Hucke says
Appreciate your feedback Mike. Hard workers, unite!
Anne says
Hi Debbie,
I love all you write, I have struggled through many of the same type of things. Currently I am struggling through what is next. At 80 yrs old, I didn’t expect to be here but here I am. I know I am His but. He hasn’t shared what is next, so I pray and wait and try to do the correct next thing. I am blessed by all my children, but I miss John totally, this too will pas, No where does it say ” it came to stay” it always says ” and it came to pass”. ( that is a Linda B quote) we lived by it for many years. So for now dear friend, love hugs and prayers.
Debbie Hucke says
Love that reminder Anne…. “it came to pass!” He is not done with you yet, dear friend. Your encouragement to me, is not nothing! Sit tight. Love and hugs and prayers right back at you.
Kathy says
Caretaking is hardwork!! And yes, serving the Lord. Sorry you doubted yourself.
It hits home to me as well. Thanks for sharing in your amazing way. ❤️
debhucke says
Your kind encouragement is appreciated.
Mother says
Thank you sweetheart…
debhucke says
Awww… Mother. From you it means the most.