What Just Happened
A quick visit to Hobby Lobby the day after Easter has me wondering. What just happened? It was a site to behold. Evidence that Easter is obviously in the rear view mirror. The hoards of decor, pretty, sparkling and enticing just two days earlier, looked sad, pathetic and unwanted, even tagged half price.
Many of you made a commitment to participate in the Lenten Prayer challenge with me. You invested forty days of daily introspection, prayer and time with Him. You were excited for Easter, you were expectant for Easter, you were prepared for Easter like never before.
Easter Came
Finally, Easter came. With great anticipation you headed to church. The parking lot was a nightmare; the kids were dressed in their finery; and the music was spectacular. Yes, even the pastor did ok. You left the service walking taller, smiling bigger, because you believe it’s true. Christ is Risen.
Easter Went
And then… Monday morning, the decor goes on sale. Out of town family goes home. The church parking lot is empty. The hype is over.
What just happened? Have you experienced Easter? Have you seen the Lord?
As I change gears from the forty day Lenten prayer exercise to writing a weekly blog article I’m trying to assess what post Easter should look like. I do have an unwavering sense of hope for eternity. But what about life on earth now? How does Easter change my life today?
But Wait…
I have this post Easter sense things should be different. I should be different. Jesus’ resurrection isn’t something to celebrate once a year and then move on. It is something that should influence and redeem my behavior every single day.
It seems as if the miraculous resurrection of Christ from the dead is the climax of an Easter play. When the music stops and the church service ends we applaud His performance and leave, remembering that we can catch the same show again next year.
And yet, what difference does the resurrection have on the practical realities of life? We still argue with our spouses. Our children still drive us crazy. Our fuse is still short with customer service. We see a world broken by warfare, disease, selfish greed, oppression and sin. Things seem pretty much the same today as they did last week. Sadly, we face the reality of our same old lives. But our same old lives are still desperate for redemption.
What just happened? Have you experienced Easter? Have you seen the Lord?
For direction I went back to the story in scripture. I find it fascinating that each gospel account for what happened after Jesus’ resurrection is slightly different. I think it’s safe to assume, the events that followed must have been chaotic!
Post Easter Direction
Consistent in each account, Mary Magdalene plays a starring role. And I look to her for some post Easter direction. I believe she’s a wonderful model of where we go from here.
Matthew 28 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. 2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. 5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” 8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.
Observation 1 — Know that the Lord will be gracious
I imagine that Mary and her friend Mary didn’t get a whole lot of sleep Saturday night. They endured the entire long, painful, anguishing ordeal. They were no doubt tear stained, devastated and exhausted. But at dawn, they are eager to get to the tomb to cover Jesus’ decaying body with spices. Probably feeling understandably delirious, an angel reassures them in verse 5, Do not be afraid. And then in verse 6, don’t miss this… 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.
Even though Mary loved the Lord, and believed the Lord with all her heart, she still didn’t fully trust him. Mary is shocked to see that he had risen. She had to be reminded of what He had told her. But…because He is gracious with Mary as He is with us, the Lord’s angel kindly invites Mary to see the place where he lay. What a picture of grace.
Observation 2 — Don’t hesitate, Go anyway
The angel sends the women off to quickly tell his disciples. And they obeyed… they ran to tell the disciples, afraid and yet filled with joy. I love that.
The women didn’t resist. They didn’t sit and worry and contemplate a plan. The women didn’t mosey or consider the reaction of those they would tell. They ran, afraid and filled with joy. I believe their joy fueled their efforts in spite of their fear. Obey first, think later.
And so it is with us. We press on and obey His call. Even though we don’t have it all figured out. Our future is uncertain and yet we run through life anyway, afraid yet full of joy.
Excerpts from John Chapter 20
16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”). And right after that she tells the disciples what she saw. 17 Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” 18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her.
The gospel of John, includes this account of when Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene. When the Lord says her name in verse 16, she gets it. Immediately she realizes who she thought was the gardener is actually the risen Lord. Upon her shocking realization she grabs Jesus and holds on.
Observation 3 — Jesus has spoken your name
When Mary heard Jesus speak her name, (John 20:16) she immediately recognized Him and everything changed.
Have you heard Jesus speak your name? I have. And life has been different ever since. It was that moment in time (that I cannot recall specifically) when my understanding of Jesus shifted. Jesus was no longer a powerful impersonal being somewhere up there. Instead, I recognized Him. He became a personal savior, intimately interested in me.
Observation 4 — Don’t hold on, trust Him
Once again, I completely relate to Mary’s reaction. After her shocking realization, she is clinging to her Lord. I picture her desperate grip unable to let go. And yet, the Lord has confidence in her. His reassurance is all it takes and Mary is empowered to let go and trust Him as she does her part. Further, we know from scripture that Mary is not told to let go without His help and presence. She has the power of the Holy Spirit.
I believe the Lord has confidence in me and you too. He has work for us to do. He is asking for us to trust Him. And we too, are never left to go it alone.
Observation 5 — Go and tell, Obey.
Mary had a testimony. Did she ever. And yet, her words were simple and straight forward, not all that eloquent. “I have seen the Lord.” We know from scripture that those she told reacted as we might expect. Yeah right?! (paraphrase)
Our call, as it was for Mary is to go and tell. You have a testimony. I have testimony. Don’t overthink it. Don’t concern yourself with others reactions. Go and tell. Tell others, how you have seen the Lord. It is as simple as that. Let the Lord be responsible for the results. It is an assignment that is both risky and thrilling. But we’re called to obey.
Easter from today onward
What just happened? Have you experienced Easter? Have you seen the Lord?
On the day after Easter, and every day after that, Christ’s tomb is still empty. He asks each of us who have experienced Easter and who have seen the Lord to take on a divine assignment. We’re to proclaim to a dying world that Christ is alive. Death is conquered. Hope is restored. Alleluia.
Let’s follow Mary Magdalene’s lead. The way I see it, Easter has ignited my purpose. Jesus is my hope. I have seen the Lord. The dying world I come in contact with urgently needs to hear my testimony.
“We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song!” Pope John Paul II
For His Glory
Debbie Hucke
Marj says
Thank you, Debbie!! Just what I needed to hear today! Go and tell! Let the Lord be responsible for the results! So simple! Thank you again for your writing! Love to you all, Marj
debhucke says
Happy Easter Marj. Simple yes. Not always easy. Love to you too! Debbie
Lisa says
Thank you Deb,
Went back to work yesterday and during circle time with my preschoolers they started to talk about Jesus and Easter. I work in a non religious setting right now. You don’t know how uplifting it was to see the excitement on their faces and to know that they get it. They were just happy to talk and to explain to the other students the true meaning of Easter. Just wanted to share that. Have a blessed day!
debhucke says
Definitely a rarity in this secular age. I bet that was an encouragement! Enjoy your day. Debbie
Terri says
Thank you for the 40 Day Lenten Prayer Challenge. I loved it! Even as I was going through some rough times and then on vacation, I kept up with it (for the most part). This article is great to hear this week. Thank you for sharing your gift with others! You are fantastic. Blessings for this post week of Easter!
debhucke says
So pleased you persevered! Happy post Easter to you too. Debbie
Berta Pitzer says
I am grateful for the focus you provided us during Lent. Circling my prayer focus and trusting God through this hasn’t been easy at times. But Easter was GREAT! Our Maundy Thursday service of reflection and worship and prayer set up Easter to be full of JOY! Your blog reminds me to share the Good News!
debhucke says
It is good news. Who doesn’t need some good news. Amen!
Liz Bass says
Dear Debbie, thank you so much for the Lenten Challenge. It was so helpful to have a specific point of worship every day. And now today I find your blog, the wonderful way you express your love of our risen Savior and offering many suggestions on how we can grow our own faith.
debhucke says
Liz, thank you for your constant support and encouragement! Debbie
Betsy Everett says
Thank you Debbie. This post Easter time reminds me of what happens after the Great Banquet. Things may seem like they are back to the usual “hum drum” life but we are assured that Jesus is alive more than ever in our lives but we need to “trust and Obey” as you stated so well!.
debhucke says
Yes… it can be hard to assimilate a mountain top time into the day to day. But staying connected goes a long way to helping the transition. Debbie
Linda Bush says
I have found that God always gives me something to work on during Lent. Sometimes I know exaactly what it is and other years I don’t find out till somewhere along those 40 days. But regardless of when, Easter morning shines clear and bright, I celebrate the resurection and know where to go from here.
This year I didn’t find out until Holy Thursday. Don’t know if you follow our prayer chain, but my cousin, who is 6 months older than I am, had extensive heart surgery the end of January. Then he developed lung involvement and was in and out of the hospital and intensive care. Last Wednesday, he tlod his wife he wanted to go home. She arranged hospice and he came home on Wednesday evening and passed away Thursday evening.
At last, I knew what I was working on all during Lent and it was his acceptance of the Lord and his healing. As our friend Anne says, he received permenent healing! I have no doubt that he also met the Lord.
debhucke says
Wow Linda. What a gift! Permanent healing… AMEN.
Merna says
Wow it’s like you took the words right out of my mouth about “what happened?” The shelves were bare, empty! I left out my Easter decor just to hold on and enjoy just a bit longer…..Christ is risen. He is risen indeed! Have a blessed post Easter week. ✝️
debhucke says
Cathy Jones says
Debbie, thank you for keeping me on track with Jesus. Life can so easily get in the way. Taking a quiet breather and reading your messages is helpful in so many ways.
debhucke says
Amen. So pleased Cathy. Stay the course. Debbie
Sharon says
Debbie so thankful for you! The Lent prayer challenge was great on several levels for me. I’m excited to continue with your weekly blog, I appreciate it very much!
debhucke says
Thank you Sharon! Good to hear from you. Debbie