Can you recall a time when you faced an intense situation and you held your breath bracing for impact? Like seconds before a car accident, for example? In the heat of the moment, adrenaline kicks in and instinctively, everything in you intensifies.
Held hostage by the stresses of 2020 for WAY TOO LONG, exasperated by an angry and polarized country, it’s as if we’ve all been holding our breath and yes… bracing for impact.
Today FINALLY after a bitter and contentious election, we can EXHALE. Praise God, the votes have been cast and it’s out of our hands. I wonder though, if by the time you read this, we’ll know the outcome? I certainly hope so. But I can’t know so.
What I do know…
Since I have no idea how it will play out, I’ve decided to focus on what I do know. I do know that regardless of where things stand, the stress has done damage and we desperately need to heal. We need to heal as a nation, a city, a neighborhood, a family and as a person.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Get Humble
According to scripture, step 1 is to get humble. When everything around me screams us vs. them, the LAST thing I want to do is get humble. No way, I shout! I want to get loud and state my case. But humility is essential to realize my place and purpose in His Kingdom. Humility doesn’t require being right and doesn’t depend on a specific president. Instead humility trusts the Lord’s ways and yields to His assignment as difficult and confusing as it can sometimes be.
Perhaps you are confused today. The result is not what you thought an All-Powerful Lord would have willed. And yet… for reasons beyond our understanding the outcome falls beneath His complete control. Most assuredly, the Lord still sits on His Sovereign throne.
The Battle Lines are clear
As I write, even though I have no earthly idea who will be our president next year, I am certain of this. While the war still wages, the Lord has made the battle lines crystal clear. The fight isn’t blue states vs. red states, liberal vs. conservative, republican vs. democrat, Biden vs. Trump. The battle is much bigger and more eternally significant than that.
Identify the enemy
Who is our REAL enemy? God implores us to identify who we are fighting against.
My daughter Becca, loves the Hunger Games trilogy. Fitting, especially because of its strong female heroine. In the series, the ‘games’ are played in a hi-tech arena, where crafty gamemakers invent creatively cruel life-threatening conditions, forcing players to kill or be killed.
In the second book, the main character Katniss is about to enter the arena for the fight of her life. Just before her challenge, she receives some valuable advice. Her mentor cautions… “ just remember who the enemy is.”
Excellent advice
As Christ followers it’s important that we too, remember who our enemy is!
He steals, kills and destroys
Satan is intelligent, a powerful being who fans the flames of pride, selfishness, greed, self righteousness, hate, division and on and on and on. He’s the ultimate gamemaker. He manipulates those situations and provokes people to hurt, offend, maim, and yes, kill one another. He’s happy when he convinces Person A to injure Person B, and even happier when Person B retaliates.
We hurt each other for many reasons. Sometimes, it’s accidental. Sometimes not. Regardless, behind all the reasons is one crafty, deadly enemy. JUST ONE. Not a movement, an organization, a campaign or an ideology. He lurks in all those places, but can only be effective when he invades and persuades the heart of a person. He is the prince of darkness.
We cannot allow the evil one, satan, to deceive us into thinking our enemy is flesh and blood and simply supported the candidate we didn’t.
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Spoiler alert
In the end, Katniss wins because she plays by different rules. She recognizes her real adversary wasn’t her self-interested opponents, rather her ultimate challenge was the evil perpetuated by the game maker.
The Fight of our Life
That’s our ultimate challenge too. The way I see it, we have to do exactly opposite of what satan wants. Humility is the starting place. Kindness still counts. Love heals the deepest wounds. Forgiveness breathes life. Reconciliation is still possible. And Jesus is the source of all of it.
When we choose to see each other not as enemies but as fellow warriors in the war against evil, we’re guaranteed victory. Even though Satan is losing, he throws dirt in our eyes to tempt us to fight one another.
Going into Battle
Ephesians 6:13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Wearing the armor of God, we’re equipped to oppose the most powerful evil game maker. Still, we never fight alone. We have an ally far more powerful than that savvy satan. Even though God temporarily gives the enemy some leeway to do his thing, the Lord remains in complete control.
Band Together
The more we trust Him and draw on His power, the more obvious the real adversary becomes. Let’s band together as God’s army and fight the real enemy, aiming to win eternal freedom.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” Ancient Proverb
For His Glory, Debbie Hucke
Jane Matheu says
Hi Debbie – I NEVER comment on stuff I read, but you nailed this one so perfectly, I just have to thank you. Should be required reading across this fair land of ours! Thanks! ????
debhucke says
Well Jane… It’s about time you weighed in. Thank you friend. May we unite against the proper enemy. Debbie
Berta Pitzer says
I totally agree with you and used these scriptures as I pray for our nation. I trust Him! His will being done here on earth as it is in heaven!!
debhucke says
Amen Berta.
Anne kole says
You hit the nail on the head, Debbie! Thank you. Amen and Amen!
debhucke says
Thank you Anne. Let’s pray for our common cause.
Pam says
Wow, this is a very definite “share” blog! Thank you for your wonderful insight and for brining the truth into this terrifying time of unrest and panic! Your words will be helpful to all of us, no matter our political or religious affiliation!
Jackie H. says
I agree with all my heart. I have share it with my entire family!
debhucke says
Amen Jackie. Thank you.
debhucke says
Thanks Pam. Please do share. Let’s UNITE.
Jackie says
Dearest Debbie,
Your last two paragraphs brought me to tears. Healing is so important for our nation! I will pray with the words of your last two paragraphs repeatedly. I will move those into my heart and I will remember that love and forgiveness are so necessary in this world today. I wish somehow your words could touch more people because your words needs to be proclaimed with the microphone or a maga phone!
I’m so thankful I read them today!
Both the election and COVID have put strain on our families.
Please consider posting your words in the paragraph “The Fight of our lives” on Facebook! They were spot on!!!!!
debhucke says
Margie says
Doug’s sermon and now your blog! You Huckes are giving us good advice this week!
debhucke says
Amen Margie. Thanks.
Helen Marie Brigham says
This gets to the heart of the matter. Thanks for the redirection.
debhucke says
Thank you Helen-Marie.
Donna says
We just finished teaching Matthew 4:1-11 & spent a great deal of our time on Satan. It’s so vitally important that we recognize him – that we neither over nor under estimate him. Thank you for this message – what a difference it can make when we realize how he works and that we can unwittingly help him! God bless you!!!!
debhucke says
Yes… unwittingly indeed. Thanks for weighing in. Be alert!
Judy says
I’m so happy to hear someone address satan and his insidious ways. I worry that we tend to ignore his existence thus unwittingly allowing him to influence our lives. We need a hedge around us as God built for Job – that’s often my prayer. Thank you for tackling a heavy subject spot on, Debbie.
debhucke says
Thanks for weighing in Judy. Satan has used our circumstances to divide and destroy. Thankful to know his eventual defeat is sure.
Dave Philips says
Great, Debbie! You nailed it. I recall a comment Frank Laubach made back in the Cold War days, to the effect that East and West, armed to the teeth, faced each other prepared to do battle, not discerning that the real enemy was BEHIND them both, and that enemy was world hunger. Or, we might say, and Dr. Laubach would certainly approve, the real enemy is the dark lord of evil, not the enemy we discern.
debhucke says
Good to hear from you Dave. Yes… we do get confused and the enemy knows when to pounce.
Jane Meginnes says
So good! I had to learn more about the evil ways of Satan and his darkness and crafty ways of setting traps to make us falter before I could learn to truly know and trust the love and faithfulness of Jesus more fully.
May God heal our broken nation.
debhucke says
Amen Jane. Yes… identifying evil helps you to know and love the truth.
Glenda Demmie says
Thank you so much for reminding us again that God is still in control. He will help us to fight the evil one if we will humble ourselves, Pray, turn from evil, and determine to share Christ’s Love. This is the most essential message on the internet today and everyday, and it needs to be spread far and wide.
Much Love,
debhucke says
Thank you for your encouragement. For His Glory!
Betsy Everett says
Debbie, Thank you for nailing this to the Cross! Satan is the enemy we don’t always recognize.
debhucke says
I like that image… nailed to the cross. Thanks Betsy.
Kerry says
Amen, Debbie. I know we should start with these above mentioned attributes at home, (humility, kindness, etc) but I am forever hopeful that our nation/politicians can follow suit, finally!
debhucke says
Remember the song… Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me…. True words.
Ruthie Mendoza says
Thank you, Debbie, for reminding us to let God guard our hearts and minds.
debhucke says
Amen Ruthie. Thanks.
Heidi Youtcheff Shepard says
Fantastic reminder Debbie!
Remembering who is the enemy is so vital in all of life from dealing with strangers in our polarized nation to conflicts at home. Thank you!
debhucke says
Indeed. Thanks for weighing in Heidi