Holidays serve a valuable purpose beyond the obvious. As a place marker in time they can be a beacon to remind us how things were as compared to how things are.
Thanksgiving 2020
I make note of the obvious. Becca had to come home from grad school in Pittsburgh to complete the semester remotely. Ian moves out of the dorms permanently, giving up his coveted independence. Mother watches out her window in Pennsylvania, the last remaining connection to the outside world since her residence has locked down tightly again. The patriarch, my Daddy painfully absent, will not say the blessing at the large thanksgiving table full of cousins and in-laws, and mask-less laughter, love and warmth. The loss for my family during 2020 is palpable. And probably for your family too.
No doubt about it, this year has been chock full of yuck — cancellations, sickness, division and hardship. But what a shame if thanksgiving 2020 was only remembered for the heartache. The truth is, the goodness of God is still around, even if it may be harder to find.
Why Bother
But it begs the question, why bother? Why be grateful especially if it’s hard to do so. C’mon, 2020 is already a bust. Thanksgivings are cancelled all over our great nation, so lets bypass the hallowed tradition all together, including our gratitude.
Why be grateful? Because, for starters the Bible says so. And when it says so, its because it knows so. In other words, as with any instruction found in scripture, we can be certain it’s in our best interest to embrace its truth.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
A Grateful life is powerful.
Consider some scientific evidence. Did you know that God designed our bodies in such a way that a grateful heart results in physiological benefits — lower blood pressure, a lower heart rate, increased feel good hormones like dopamine and serotonin. Besides that, research shows that gratitude is associated with all kinds of great things including happiness, better health, productivity, fewer aches and pains, alertness, determination, increased generosity, richer relationships, greater empathy, better sleep, improved self-esteem, and a sense of contentment. That’s a lot of upside.
One of the worst consequences of this sustained pandemic is the fact that conditions are ripe for the enemy to get a foothold. A relentless virus has stirred up fear and kept us isolated. But then throw in some easy-to-come-by ingratitude and it’s no wonder we’re on the brink.
In my view, discontentment or lack of gratitude, is the single greatest threat to our peace. Because it negates His presence, it also clouds our perspective. It may seem inconsequential, but as step one on a slippery slope, it’s deadly.
Our Superpower
Satan’s strategy is simple yet insidious. If he can keep us from being grateful, he’ll then go after our joy. And if he can steal our joy, he can sap our strength. No wonder discontentment makes us feel hopeless, weak and impotent. Do you see it? Gratitude is our superpower, and the enemy knows it.
Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
As I anticipate Thanksgiving I’m caught between praying and complaining. One minute, I’m thankful and the next I fret that gratitude means settling for a normal that stinks.
A BIG ask
The Holy Spirit whispered conviction. And, to be honest, it feels like a BIG ask. “Be grateful and find contentment in this hard season, no matter how long it lasts.” Wait, what?
A Welcome Invitation
Among its definitions, contentment means “ease of mind.” Ease. Of. Mind. I swirled the words around allowing them to claim space. Eventually, eager to settle on solid ground, I decided that ease of mind sounds a whole lot like peace and I wanted it. The moment I made that decision, contentment no longer felt like a restraining order. Rather, contentment was a welcome invitation to breathe — to exhale the frustration of all that can’t be so I can inhale the beauty of what still is.
So let’s try this again.
Thanksgiving 2020 with Gratitude
Becca, my wanderlust daughter while grounded gets to spend a rare two months with us in Albuquerque. Because she likes to cook we’re eating better and with her home for this extended time, her brother feels normal. Our time together as a nucleus family feels almost ordained. Ian, thanks in part to online learning and some extra support, will graduate this December, an achievement never thought possible. Without any time pressure, together we creatively strategize his next chapter.
With some simple redecoration, mother’s window is no longer blocked by her armoire. She loves the pastime of looking outside to watch the birds, reminded that she has more value than they. (Matthew 6:26) The patriarch, has the best seat in the house and even though his large family is scattered, he remains the tie that binds and we rejoice knowing we’ll see him again.
Give it a try
While Discontentment may be the drum beat of 2020, we don’t have to march along.
It’s through the lens of gratitude that we find contentment. Gratitude isn’t a sign that we’re settling for less than God’s best; it’s the lens that helps us see God’s best right in front of us.
Happy Thanksgiving, Debbie Hucke
Karen Chalmers says
Amen Debbie! Gratitude, the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you Jesus for putting that seed in us and reminding us through others like Debbie.
debhucke says
It can be work, but worth it. Debbie
Karen Chalmers says
Definitely work!
Mags says
I was walking this morning and thought of you. I thought I would tell you that I was thankful that during lockdown I found some beautiful places to walk, met other dog walkers to pass a distanced chat. Even though Christmas will be quiet without visitors and a visit to my sister and family, I am thankful that we have Charis for an extended stay as university goes fully on line. I’m thankful for the gift of our dog Blue, from a family who didn’t have the time for him and who saw that we did. I’m thankful to have neighbours who stop and talk to each other.
So it was a surprise to get this when the person I thought of this morning when on my thanksgiving walk was you!
Give thanks with a grateful heart!
debhucke says
Miss you friend. I am thankful for you and your family. You have walked with us through plenty of muck and mire.
Marilyn Lehning says
I am fortunate to worship weekly, online with MJ and Greg’s church in Galesburg, even weekly communion and also EWTN daily Mass. Gratitude has been their theme this month. DJ does all our outside the house activities, she masks only when required, she teaches Tai Chi at our University and they were kind enough to give her a space large enough masks are not needed, weekly covid test.
Butch also works and only masks when required. We share the opinion that masks delay the virus, pray we are wrong. I remain in and am thankful it is not too horrible! Blessed Thanksgiving, we need to live! Thank God for keeping me in touch online!!!
debhucke says
Amen Marilyn. Thanks for staying connected.
Betsy Everett says
So much to be grateful for! Thank you Debbie for helping us center ourselves.
debhucke says
Amen Betsy.
Joan McGee says
Debbie, I am going to share this with my family at Thanksgiving dinner! Thank you for a beautiful reminder that a grateful heart is the key to our peace [ease] of mind…the kind of peace that God desires for us because he knows what is best for us.
debhucke says
Good to hear from you Joanie. Thank you for letting me know your plan. During these grumbly times, it takes discipline. But the payoff is huge. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Joan McGee says
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your precious family! And give Doug a big happy birthday hug from Jimmy and me today! Miss you guys!
debhucke says
Will do. Miss you guys too.
Julie says
On the spot today. Thanks Debbie!
debhucke says
Good to hear from you friend! Thank you.
Anne kole says
I agree with you, Debbie. I haven’t seen my “kids” and grandkids for a year and a half. But texts and phone calls keep us connected. My daughter and I exchange scriptures almost every morning. So thankful for technology! I miss my parents but know I will see them again.
Thankful for God’s promises, for my daily walks when I see all he has created, for kind neighbors. For you, Debbie. Thank you !
debhucke says
Thank you Anne. I am thankful for your faithful encouragement. Can always depend on Anne Kole. 🙂
Ginger Horner says
Thank you for your reminder, Debbie, to be thankful. We are thankful for so many things—large and small. My Mom (now 99) is doing fine even though we have been isolated from her. We talk often, though. Dale and I are fine and living a much quieter life, but staying involved with our church and Bible studies. We have adapted to living without a refrigerator in our kitchen for the last 2 months. Thankfully it will be repaired on Dec. 2nd.
Yes, it has been different, challenging, yes, even being very aware of the virus and where we are and what are we doing to keep safe.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Debbie, Doug, Ian and Becca. Love, Ginger
debhucke says
Amen Ginger. Happy Thanksgiving to the Horners.
Emmy Browning says
Wonderful message. Earlier this week our granddaughter asked all of the family to each day state something they are grateful for. On Thanksgiving she is going to present a “Wall” full of the gratitude messages. Via Zoom it will be fun. Even in this terrible turmoil we have so many things to be thankful for. Most of all his presence and love.
debhucke says
What a great idea! Happy Thanksgiving Emmy and family
Emmy Browning says
Wonderful message. Earlier this week our granddaughter asked all of the family to each day state something they are grateful for. On Thanksgiving she is going to present a “Wall” full of the gratitude messages. Via Zoom it will be fun. Even in this terrible turmoil we have so many things to be thankful for. Most of all his presence and love.
Mary says
Spot on, Debi, as usual. My dog sitter and I were talking about this very thing—- each day in “Jesus Calling” , we are told to be grateful—- everyday—-that should be the big focus EVERYDAY! We were talking about how during these times, it is HARD to be grateful, even knowing that such shaky attitudes is letting Satan in our lives. You gave a great perspective, like you always do. Thank you so much, and enjoy Thanksgiving with your wonderful family!
debhucke says
Amen Mary. Gratitude is indeed a shield. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
Linda Ferrarone says
So thankful and grateful for your friendship, faith and beautiful faith filled writings! Happy Thanksgiving and you are so blessed to have your family all at home.
debhucke says
Great to hear from you Linda. Happy thanksgiving. ????
Marybeth Barkocy says
I am so proud of Ian and of you for the hard decisions you have had to make and the supports you have had to put into place to get him through college. You’ve done it, and so has he! May God bless your holiday time as a family. As we know, life is short. Thanks for reminding us God wants us to have an attitude of gratitude!
debhucke says
Aww thanks Marybeth. You appreciate our challenges more than most. Happy thanksgiving! ????
Barb Frans says
Giving thanks to all that is good ????
Praying for all that is not
Happy Thanksgiving
From Frans Family
debhucke says
Amen Barb. Miss you guys.
Ruthie Mendoza says
Thank you for this reflection, Debbie. Yes, this year is less in a variety of ways, but it sharpens our focus on the blessings God showers on us.
debhucke says
Delighted you’re experiencing the sharpness. So many are missing it. Blessings to you.
Terri says
I am grateful for you and these messages which always hit home in some way. Gratitude seemed to come naturally to me until THIS year. I always wondered how I would “hold up” under pressure. Now I know. It is much harder to keep gratitude in the forefront during challenging times. Duh! I honestly can’t imagine how you and many others I know manage to get out of bed each morning with the many challenges you face. It is inspiring. Thanks for this most important biblical message.
debhucke says
Amen Terri. I’m grateful for your faithful encouragement.
gerrie says
I thank God for you!
debhucke says
Well thank you my sweet friend, Gerrie. Blessings to your family.