Back home in Albuquerque, where restrictions are still very tight, I’m especially grateful to have pulled off a pandemic vacation. If you love affordable adventure, good food, gorgeous scenery and mild weather, Costa Rica is worth a visit.
Nosara, Costa Rica
Thanks to a friend connection, while in Nosara we stayed in a lovely villa walking distance to the beach. Part of the adventure, especially in the coastal region, was getting around. The roads are terrible… mostly unmarked, steep and windy, sporadically paved with massive potholes. Small bladders get tested. The locals adjust, handling it with practiced ease. Nellie Nissan, our manual-transmission gutless rental car… not so much.
The bikes included with our villa had obvious appeal, but because Ian would be left out, they remained parked and lonely. Until our last day when without encouragement, Ian decided it was time to ride a bike. I kept my memory of his last attempt to myself.
To avoid the hill with loose stones outside our front door, Doug walked a bike to the beach to provide a softer landing on the packed sand. After giving the two walkers a sufficient head start, Becca and I mounted the rusty one-speeds to join them.
At our entry point onto the beach Becca paused considering which way to go. “The boys went that way,” she said pointing left. “Let’s go right,” I suggested, knowing Ian wouldn’t want an audience when he fell. No sooner had we headed in the opposite direction when Becca hollered, “Mom look.” Thirty yards away I spotted Doug with both arms and fists stretched to the sky in his goal-post Bronco win position. Becca and I u-turned and joined a small group of beach soccer players who had joined the spirited celebration. It was a beautiful sight. Even better than when Ian was four and mastered a two-wheeler for the very first time. At twenty-four having failed many times before with his precarious balance, a floppy right foot and rigid right hand, Ian was not just a bike rider, but an overcomer. The impossible had become possible.
God of Possibility
The smile of victory hung around long after the bikes were put away. And the experience reminded me AGAIN, to not underestimate our amazing God of possibility.
Remember the story of Joshua? Those of us who spent time in Sunday school surely recall the catchy tune…
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho, Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, And the walls came tumbling down!
Imposing City of Jericho
In the second generation after the Israelites made their exodus from Egypt, they came upon the imposing city of Jericho with its fortified walls. Jericho presented a daunting obstacle because it was positioned right smack in the middle of their path into the Promised Land. There was no way around it.
Joshua 6:2 Then the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men.
Imagine being Joshua. I picture him saying under his breath… Say what? And exactly, how is that going to work?
God brought Joshua to a specific place for an ideal view. Joshua could see the entire city. He could see the massive impenetrable walls. He could see the impossibility of what lay ahead. But intending to encourage him, the Lord said… “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands…” As if it was already accomplished. There was a disconnect between what Joshua saw and what God saw.
It happens to us too
In my experience, God does this with us all the time. He uses obstacles that seem humanly impossible and says to us… “See, I have delivered this ‘Jericho’ into your hands.” Like Joshua, we have a choice. We can stop in our tracks and demand to understand the how. Or we can BELIEVE God and simply obey, even when it doesn’t make sense. We take one step, trusting He’ll provide guidance for the next step, until the wall eventually crumbles.
Self-Reliance doesn’t work
I can relate to Joshua. I love God and recognize how far He has brought me. But I want to understand His plan. I want to see several steps ahead and know just how God’s plan will work. But the same lesson for Joshua applies to me. Self-reliance doesn’t work in the Kingdom of God.
Not only that, God’s plan for victory is not what we would expect or choose. (Joshua 6:2-5). In fact, to Joshua and his people God’s plan must have seemed ludicrous. They were instructed to march around the city for six days. On the seventh day they were told to do it again and then shout. In spite of how crazy it seemed they obeyed… and you know how the story ends.
My experience with a ‘Jericho’
On a much less dramatic scale, God set the stage for a ‘Jericho’, an impossible feat, on that day in Costa Rica. He refreshed my memory of Ian’s prior bike-riding failures. God allowed me to notice the horrible terrain and less than prefect equipment and to factor in Ian’s weak right side and brain injury deficits. I could only see impossibility. But then God said… See….
In Context
If you consider the context, I think wrapped up in the word See…is God asking Joshua to BELIEVE. (My word for 2021) God wants Joshua to see Jericho through His eyes. In the same way, God wants us to see our Jerichos from God’s perspective.
Easily Misled
Here’s the thing…because we carry baggage into our perceptions, we’re easily misled. The walls appear too thick, we draw wrong conclusions, we worry, and we miss out on overcoming strongholds. When faced with a Jericho, (an impossible situation, a daunting diagnosis, a scary opportunity, moving to NYC with a brain injury) instead of trusting ourselves with our human limitations, we should ask the Lord, what do you see?
Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
For His Glory,
Debbie Hucke
Thank you Debbie, I needed that today!
Your family is beautiful-So happy you 4 got to ‘get away’
Blessings, Toni Hulce
Yeah Toni. Thank you. Here’s to hoping I’ll get to hug you soon.
This was very up lifting. Needed this myself.
Thank you Wyatt.
Happy to hear about your family vacation and Ian’s triumph biking. God showers down blessings even when we least expect it. Great reminder!
Thank you Mary. It is certainly wonderful when we don’t miss them. And sadly sometimes we do!
Love, love, love this! Yay, Ian. Yay, God!
Thanks Marybeth. 🙂
Good morning, Debbie,
As usual, you have delivered a very telling, uplifting message. It’s timing couldn’t be better. Although I have been reading “Battlefield of the Mind”, I have been struggling with depression because there seems to be so much disparity all around, I’m so happy for you snd your family— so glad your family was able to have such a wonderful vacation, and Ian had such success on his bicycle. Hallelujah! Praise God.
Depression is rampant. Be gracious with yourself. The Best is yet to come.
I can picture Doug’s goal post hands and stance, and Ian’s grin of accomplishment! Love it! The glory is all Gods.
It is Doug’s signature celebratory pose. 🙂
Wow! What a wonderful achievement, Ian, and Praise God!
Debbie, God does show us His ways often and being aware is key. (I am still working on that awareness—is it God leading or is it me)
Thank you so much for the wonderful message and affirmation that God is with us–always.
So happy you had a wonderful vacation and could all be together for fun things to do.
I agree Ginger. Discernment is not usually the obvious.
Beautiful. I so needed your message today. Thank you. Congrats to Ian. Our grandson has similar problem and mastered the bike as well. It was a big day.
Thank you Emmy. So pleased to know it was timely.
Miss you friend.
I have, too, often struggled with wanting to know God’s plan in its entirety instead of praying for answers to prayer in accordance with the Word of God and asking for the Holy Spirit’s insight I need TODAY to fulfill this promise in my life. The timing as well as the actual solution to whatever problem or challenge I bring before God is in His very capable hands.
Although this shift causes me to get out of my (and God’s) way, it is a powerful shift in my thinking, my mindset, and results. Praise God!
Yes! Here’s to staying out of Gods way on our journey.
What a wonderful achievement for Ian! God often surprises us in amazing ways!
I confess I am a planner. Even during this pandemic, I have a mental (or sometimes written) list of goals for each day. But I know I should wait for how God orchestrates the day. He includes both challenges and surprising blessings. Maybe I should always commit my plans to Him first! Thanks for the reminder to release control of each minute to Jesus and anticipate his goodness.
And I am glad you and yours could enjoy Costa Rica! What a great time for the four of you! ♥️
Thank you Anne. Here’s to us planners resting in His grace.
Way to go, Ian! Thank you for this uplifting message.
Thank you Wendy! ????
Love this story and so glad for Ian’s success. Happy to hear your family had a lovely vacation together.
Thank you Lynne.
Wow, Debbie, I have been praying for this. I love this story, tell it over and over.
Thank you dear Gerrie. 🙂
Thrilled about Ian’s bike ride. (And that you had time away.) Thanks for the reminder that our God is greater than our Jerichos!
Thank you friend. Hope our paths cross again soon.