Lenten Reflections Week 5
Days 23,24,25,26,27,28
You may have discovered by now, that my scripture interpretation is through the lens of my life. And… I tell it like it is. The good, the bad and the ugly. In my experience, this approach has been a game changer. The scripture becomes practical and relevant and a tool the Lord uses. It’s my prayer that each of you may experience some of that sweet intimacy as you wrestle with the scripture through the lens of YOUR life.
What has the Lord taught you this week? Any surprise insight? Any fresh perspective of an old truth? Which passage of scripture spoke to you loudly?
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For His Glory, Debbie Hucke
Ann B says
Proverbs 3 5-6 speaks to me. To trust in the Lord with all my heart and not lean on my understanding. The Lord knows all and I should believe and trust Him
John 15. Connection to Jesus. We are so blessed every day we awaken and breathe. We can do nothing without God in our life. Always there to guide us to truth. He gives us so much love and comfort
1Corinthian 13. Faith hope and love but the greatest of all is love
I read all your supporting blogs. The Golden cord really struck a chord with control and patience and God is always there
We are so blessed to have God with us every day in all that we do. He watches over us and provides us everything we need.
Thank you Deb. I have been reading every day.
debhucke says
Bless you Ann.
Terri says
Loud and clear, once again Debbie, being reminded that God’s ways are not my ways and it is almost wasteful to try to figure out his ways. Well it seems wasteful. As another recovering control freak, I just can’t help myself. At the same time, my trust in God is absolute. I just don’t put it into action all day everyday, I am simply incapable. My sister gave me a sweet reminder this week of how my directness and controlling nature actually benefited them greatly at one point in the past. And I know God made me the way that I am for a purpose . In summary, reading your struggles with this aspect of your personality has been a blessing in my life and a sweet reminder that we must return to God again and again and again, daily, even hour by hour and minute by minute for his guidance, his reassurance, and most especially his unconditional love.
debhucke says
Oh yes, Terri. Why am I like this? I know there are many of us… but I’m discovering there are more than I realized! It delights me to know that you connect with your sister over my writings. Often discussing hard subjects with a close person is helpful.
Berta Pitzer says
I love your transparency and how what you say gets in my face. God uses you to remind me of the revelation he’s already given me but to look at it in a deeper way. Also to read the Bible with new eyes looking for a new way to see what He’s saying about today! Thank you Jesus!!!
debhucke says
I love getting in your face Berta. Ha! That is often how the Lord gets my attention. Isn’t it amazing to realize the more you know…. the more you don’t know. Thank you my friend.
Anne kole says
I was amazed this week by the way each day’s scripture and your reflections spoke directly to me. Every morning God showed me his love and my own sin. He reminded me of people I’ve known and know now who are a witness to faith, hope, and love by their perseverance through terrible circumstances. And your statement “The world is watching” is true. In everything I need to remember that! Thanks for your guidance on this journey through Lent. You are one of those who persevere and share your life with many of us. Love you!
debhucke says
Love you too Anne.
Kerry says
Inconsistent and haphazard, that describes me this week. Need to get back into focus by rereading the daily scripture you provide.
debhucke says
Gail says
Still enjoying the journey! Thanks again Debbie.
debhucke says
Bless you Gail! Debbie