Lenten Reflections Week 6
Days 29,30,31,32,33,34
Our Final Week
Palm Sunday marks the joyous entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. And consistent with every other occasion of Jesus time on earth, our expectations are turned upside down. It was not a warrior’s stallion that carried Jesus through the gates and over the cloaks and palms strewn across his path, but rather, a lowly, smelly, donkey. This divine reversal was just one of many. And representative of how, even today, Jesus often confounds our expectations.
We have the advantage to look back on history. We know what awaits Jesus and that the throngs of people who were cheering, soon changed their tune and began jeering. “Crucify Him. Crucify Him.”
As the week unfolds as it did for Jesus, it’s our opportunity to lament. Lament is a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. To lament is to grieve for Jesus’ courageous and obedient acceptance of the will of His Father. Today we commemorate Jesus’ knowledge that things would get much worse before they get better. May we “sit with” that somber and uncomfortable truth.
During this final week of this lenten series… consider this. YOU would have been among those throngs of people shouting for the Messiah’s death. And yet, Jesus pressed on. Jesus completed the will of the Father. He did it for the people shouting for His savage death. He did it for you. And He did it for me.
We have a lot to learn from this Holy Week. May your faithful devotion throughout this lenten series stoke Your fire and fuel your relationship with Jesus forevermore.
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Have a meaningful Holy Week! Debbie Hucke
Terri says
Debbie, I tried three times to leave a comment and somehow kept fumble fingering my way to posting somewhere in cyberspace. Suffice it to say I have enjoyed it immensely this series and thank you very much.
debhucke says
And yet you prevailed. Thank you Terri.
Anne kole says
Every day’s scripture resonated with me. But the word in Zecharia really hit home. I tend to see the really big picture that looms large to me when faced with a challenge. It is overwhelming. But the scripture reminded me that it’s ok to take just one feeble step and begin. God even rejoices when I do. His word is a light to my path and I need take only one step at a time as he leads me. As I heard Elizabeth Elliot say once, “Do the next thing.” Thank you for your reflections, Debbie. They make my days!
debhucke says
Anne you are a faithful encourager indeed. Debbie
Berta Pitzer says
I love the reminder of El Roi the God who sees! And that our steps may be small but we’re drawing closer to Him daily no matter what our circumstances are. Jessica is very ill, but she fights and rejoices over the smallest improvement!! Thanks! I share some of your series with her.
debhucke says
Oh my. I am sad Jessica has had to endure so much. I offer my prayers. Debbie
Berta Pitzer says
I know you have heart knowledge of what this is like. It means a lot to me. ❤️
Debra Harbaugh says
I have enjoyed each posting that you have made! I am sad that this time together has ended but my faith is even stronger now. Take care my friend.
Debra Harbaugh
debhucke says
Kind indeed Debra. Carry on my friend. Debbie
Marilyn Wright says
Thank you, Debbie for these daily Lenten devotional. They have all inspired and added to my life and love of our Lord and Savior. In these days off on-line church services, your additional words of scriptural knowledge have been very helpful.
debhucke says
Thank you Marilyn. I look forward to us being together.
Gail says
One of my favorites is Jeremiah 17:7,8. So encouraging!
debhucke says
Thx Gail. A new addition this year.
paula says
I can’t single out one day because I am fed every day! I have enjoyed this Lenten series so much! I hope you will continue writing. I look forward to hearing more from the Lord through you. Blessing to you & your family this Easter & always.
debhucke says
Thank you dear friend. You’ve been a faithful encourager.