Ian forgets our address and his PIN. He forgets when he last ate and what he ate. And taking his medicine is hit or miss. Thanks to his traumatic brain injury, Ian’s short term memory stinks. But in part because of that, he loves to reminisce about the past he does remember, reveling in the most minute details.
Way Back When
Excited about his interview this week for a position working with kids, we’ve been reflecting on Ian’s early school years and how tough he was on his teachers. As if his red hair and outgoing personality were worn as a scarlet letter, Ian was in trouble from day one. But there was no hesitation when asked about his favorite teacher. Hands down, it was the teacher who failed him.
Mr. M.
Mr Montemayer taught seventh grade American history. With a great sense of humor and an engaging teaching style, his students loved him. But the class was challenging and required disciplined study and a good memory. Preparations for the comprehensive final started months in advance. In spite of all the extra study sessions and some generous accommodations, Ian still lacked the confidence he needed and buckled under the pressure.
Not a particularly thought out or effective strategy, before exam day, Ian wrote some notes on the inside of his arm. When he tried to cheat, though, either he couldn’t read his own writing or what he wrote wasn’t helpful. Ian’s botched attempt to pass the final was a big fat fail on all counts.
How curious that in spite of being caught, and failing the class, Mr. M was still Ian’s favorite. Ian explained… “He knew that I was a bad student and an even worse cheater, but he still liked me. He said so. And I could just tell.”
More Powerful
That happened 13 years ago. Hearing Ian re-tell it… hit me with a new and profound understanding. Ian had experienced grace. Grace was more powerful than the F for the class and more powerful than the shame of being caught. Grace impacted Ian’s heart in such a way that he was confident Mr. M. liked him and all these years later he’s remembered as Ian’s favorite.
Karma vs. Grace
Grace is a tough concept that many Christians gloss over or even miss completely because it makes no sense. We live in a world conditioned to expect karma. What goes around, comes around. Karma keeps life fair and tidy and it’s all about getting what we deserve. Grace is exactly the opposite…getting what we don’t deserve. Besides that, WE CANNOT do anything to earn it or purchase it. It comes to us ONLY by means of a gift.
Ephesians 2:8,9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
Understanding grace is only the first step. Unless you experience grace, it has no power. I remember the day I first experienced God’s grace. It happened many wasted years after becoming a Christian. I had a secret— a closet full of sin that I thought wasn’t hurting anyone. But I knew better. And even though I wasn’t caught, I was enslaved by my own shame. I knew God knew every detail and it was infecting other parts of my life. My inability to contain the stench gave me a deep sense of unworthiness that was eventually my undoing.
But …. DON’T MISS THIS… when I gave up trying to hide…it was the day God raised me up and I became truly free. In the end, it happened in an instant… there was no condemnation, no holy spanking. The closet door flung open and I collapsed in Jesus’ arms. In a simple prayer, my scarlet sins became white as snow. (Isaiah 1:18). God removed them as far as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103:12) Fresh start. Holy Do-Over.
In a fallen world, populated by selfish, proud, lost, fearful, and rebellious people, grace is the one thing that everyone desperately needs. But here’s the thing…
Our ability to experience God’s grace is directly correlated to the degree we acknowledge our need for it.
Do you need Grace? The answer is an emphatic YES. You need it. I need it. Even Mother Teresa needs it.
Romans 3:23, 24 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. 24 Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.
Dear Gracious God, I praise you for your unrelenting grace that chased me down. Forgive me for muscling through this Christian life by trying and striving and still falling short. Thank you dear Jesus, for your sacrifice. Because of it, my chains are gone. Remind me afresh of when I first experienced your grace so I’ll always live empowered by it. Amen.
Cinda says
Wonderful truth! Thanks for sharing ????
debhucke says
Amen Cinda.
Terri says
Debbie, your story of finding Grace could be my story exactly. You have stated it in such a beautiful descriptive manner. I will share this with a few folks I know whom I believe could use some of that Grace, new or renewed. And also those who, through the years, have shown me Grace when I clearly did not deserve it. You are a blessing to so many. I pray that Ian,s interview goes well this week.
debhucke says
Thank you Terri. Grace is Christianity’s secret weapon. NO other world religion has the concept of Grace. But GRACE is powerful enough to topple strongholds.
Betsy Everett says
WOW! That’s all I can say. So beautifully stated Debbie. And as Terri said above, I too pray Ian’s interview will go well.
God Bless you and your wonderful way of lifting us all up.
debhucke says
I love how an OLD truth can breathe fresh life. YAY.
Berta Pitzer says
I love how you share your experience of God’s Grace!!! I love Ian’s experience too. Thanks for reminding us and having us remember our experience with his overwhelming love for us!!
debhucke says
His love for us is overwhelming. But knowing it is our foundation gives us such security, better prepared for the storms of life.
Anne kole says
Thank you Debbie. Your story and mine are so alike! God still likes me though I have failed in big and small ways. In fact, he loves me. When I admit that I deserve an F his grace is boundless. This truth holds me up and compels me to love him
And trust him. Amazing, truly!
And May Ian’s interview go well!
debhucke says
Thank you Anne. Yes… I neglected to mention how little our security and freedom has to do with the worldly consequences we have to pay — which also makes no sense. But yes… it compels us to love Him and trust Him and make a difference for the winning side.
John Cochran says
“My chains are gone, I’ve been set free…” Your article reminded me of this contemporary Christian song.
“Amazing love, amazing grace”
debhucke says
One of my favorites!
gail says
Thank you Debbie! Good luck to Ian!
debhucke says
Thank you! Bless you.
Cat McKenzie says
Debbie ,I too had that same Closet content . I tried to ignore it, I rationalized it, I spoke to no one about it. I know God loves me,I feel His Power ,His Grace infusing me daily in a million small ,and a few really big ways. He has not forsaken me in all my folly. I’m not proud of my Closet, I embrace its empty space because my life is filled with God’s forgiving Grace. You put this all so beautifully,Thank You.
debhucke says
You were pretty clever yourself! I embrace its empty space because my life is filled with God’s forgiving grace. 🙂 Amen to being washed clean. ❤️
Jean Ann says
GOD’s grace is a gift to everyone – believers and non-believers. Now isn’t that just like our loving, perfect Father? Hallelujah!!!
debhucke says