I’ve struggled with this weeks article. Several discarded first drafts lay crumpled in the corner. As soon as a feeble idea develops enough to write it down, it gets highjacked by the bad news of the day. And then, not only am I distracted, but the importance and relevance of my thoughts get lost in the fray.
A Healthy Honey Bee Colony
The image that comes to mind is that of a healthy and productive honey bee colony. Honey bees are social insects and live in large organized groups. Each bee, created for a specific role, is “busy” carrying out its purpose. Instinctively and cooperatively they communicate, divide labor, construct shelter, contribute to the outside world, create honey, defend the hive and reproduce. The bees thrive when the colony thrives. What could go wrong?
The Enemy on the Scene
Now picture the master disrupter coming onto the scene. The enemy, suited in protective gear, wields a baseball bat and strikes the massive hive as if it was a birthday party piñata. The structure of the colony’s existence is obliterated with one blow. Stunned confusion. Pandemonium. Chaos. No longer a cooperative unit, the angry bees buzz around in a tizzy.
I feel like I’m an angry bee buzzing around in a tizzy, no longer able to recognize my colony.
The truth is, I’m fed up! I’m not going to explain myself because I don’t want to defend myself. And chances are… you’re fed up too. It’s possible your reasons fly in the face of my reasons. But here’s the thing…our reasons don’t matter, because the master disrupter doesn’t choose sides. Instead, the power hungry demon attacks anyone who is an effective follower of Christ. Often invading unsuspecting people willing to work on his behalf, he lies, tempts, accuses, silences, deceives, condemns and destroys. He is having a field day. How do I know? Because, I’ve been stung by other angry bees buzzing around in a tizzy.
Too often and Too Easily
Before I point out the speck in your eye… I can’t ignore the log in my own. Too often and too easily I take his bait. And when I give him an inch, he won’t relent even after a mile. That’s what happens when I put my faith and trust in my “colony” and I focus on the chaos. When I’m in a tizzy, he WINS.
Scripture is clear. We shouldn’t be surprised.
I Peter 5:8-11 (MSG). 8-11 Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does.
Isn’t that good news? The enemy will wreck havoc, but the Lord gets the last word. So how do we get out of our tizzy so we can enjoy the freedom that truth provides?
Look to the King
When a honey bee colony is destroyed, the frenzied bees first locate their queen. If she’s alive they rebuild; if she’s dead they find another queen.
Comparatively, we have it easy. We can be sure that our King is alive and well and has never left His throne. In fact, even if we’re unaware, He is continually working for the good.
In Genesis 1, the Lord makes it clear He is not intimidated by chaos. From the beginning of time, confusion, anarchy and turmoil are among the building blocks our Creator uses. The Lord brings order out of chaos.
Re-claim our God given power.
It’s easy to get discouraged. I get it. The enemy is strong and seems to be gaining ground. His minions are no longer in sheep’s clothing. They’ve become brazen and carry baseball bats. But the way I see it, too many of us are cowering with a defeatist attitude. And others of us have become desensitized, so we go along to get along. Still others of us, blinded by fear, are following the wrong king.
I’m convicted.
Do you ever wonder if you have access to His power? According to Acts 1:8, if you’re a follower of Jesus, you already have it. The reason it may not feel like you have it, is because you don’t think you need it.
Let’s not forget the power that is already ours. We are children of the King, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. We know how the story ends and our victory is certain.
Let’s live like it.
John 16:33 (NIV) I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
For His Glory,
Debbie Hucke
Wyatt says
I feel this way every day due to my job. Shippers and receivers are always pushing. I’ve learned to take deep breaths than continued on
debhucke says
Deep breaths Wyatt! Stay the course. 🙂
Anne kole says
I too, Debbie, see Satan’s furious assaults everywhere these days. He must think he’s winning in our world and in the lives of Christians. Of course, his is a temporary win. Thank you for reminding me that I am the King’s daughter. And I love your saying that maybe I don’t recognize God’s power in me because I think I don’t need it. Wow. Did that ever convict me of trying to run my own life! Thank you again for pointing me to my Savior, who does all things well!
debhucke says
Thanks Anne once again for your faithful encouragement.
Martha Martha Nail says
Thank you for your insights from one who has had “tizzy fits.”
I even have a cute T-shirt that says “don’t have a tizzy fit.”
Cute lube drawing of a girl with lots of wild hair.
Have a lively but happy day.
debhucke says
Somehow I guessed that about you. Ha! You are my sister from another mother. 🙂
Ginger Horner says
In a tizzy. Your message today hit real close to home, Debbie.
Going to God, relaxing in Him and remembering that with Him this tizzy will pass.
Thank you for your words and reminders, Debbie, I enjoy your words and blogs so much.
debhucke says
Thank you Ginger. I’m grateful you find benefit. 🙂
Berta Pitzer says
In a Tizzy really does describe the lives of many of us these days!! Oh my, Satan is having a good time. He can enjoy it while it lasts because we know who has the final victory! Thanks for the reminder to draw on God’s power and not my own. Well done, good and faithful servant.
debhucke says
Back at you, Berta. Thank you for chiming in.
Emmy Browning says
Just had a tizzy fit this morning. Need to take a deep breath and hand situation to the King and pray for guidance.
debhucke says
Amen Emmy. Way to stop and pivot. You’ve got this, because He’s got you.
Christy Atkinson says
Amen friend!
debhucke says
Geraldine Dempsey says
where do I start? I am in the process of selling the business that Mike and I started 40 years ago. There is so many details and progress is slow. After Mike died, my daughter and her two children have had more issues than I can count. I have been going through radiation for cancer with all of the side effects. Managing the mini farm that we have without Mike is also a struggle. I have an orchard full of fruit with just a few takers. The verses that you gave me are perfect for today.
Thank you,
debhucke says
Hang in there Gerrie. You’re on the winning side.