I have a friend who has a large decal on her back car window that shouts “BLESSED.” Somedays, more days than I care to admit, I want to throw a rock at that sweet sentiment. To me it’s claim, given the sometimes harsh reality of life, feels disingenuous at best.
My cynicism for the innocent word was born out of the era of the prosperity gospel. I’m dating myself, but do you remember Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, the Kardashians of the gospel? Etched in my memory is the iconic SNL skit of Tammy Faye dripping with mascara. In my view, the empty false promise of “blessing”, of health and wealth, lost any resemblance to what God had in mind. And what a shame.
In contrast, Jesus’ teaching from the Sermon on the Mount gives a different perspective.
Matthew 5:3-12 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
No wonder the word is so confusing. In my view in today’s culture,“Blessed” is a loaded and misleading term because it blurs the distinction between who is ultimately responsible. We can use the word with the intent to extend gratitude to God. “Thank you, God. I could not have secured/ achieved/ acquired this for myself, I am indeed blessed.” But… it can also suggest that it was somehow deserved. “Thank you, me. For being the kind of person who has been rewarded for somehow getting it right.”
Thanksgiving week is the perfect time to consider the rich value of this misused, bruised and abused word.
The way I understand it, God doesn’t bless us just so we can say we are a blessed and adorn our car with a decal. True to His nature, there is great purpose in His actions. Yes, God blesses us because he loves us, but there’s more to it. He blesses us SO THAT, we can be a blessing to others. In other words, because we receive we’re given the responsibility to give.
Why We Were Created
Practically speaking, God guides us, so we can guide others. He comforts us, so we can comfort others. The Lord blesses us so we can be a blessing to others. Because He loves us, we become His chosen conduit. The added bonus of blessing is this… when we are obedient to our responsibility, we get blessed in the process! The way God designed it, blessings flow from Him and then through us. Very simply, that is our calling, our purpose, why we were created.
Paul teaches this to the church in Corinth.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Has a “blessing” ever gotten stuck by collecting dust in your life? Don’t be confused by only thinking about material blessing. Blessings come from unexpected places, just look at the beatitudes. What time, talent or treasure have you kept to yourself? What about the challenges in your life you’d rather forget? God wants to use all of it. When you hold on tight, not only does the kingdom suffer, but YOU MISS OUT TOO.
This past week an acquaintance from more than a decade ago, reached out to me. (I will call her Beth, not her real name) Beth’s message said this…
Message From Beth
“Hi Debbie! I have been going through something very difficult and have found myself drawn to your blog. It has started to help me a bit. I need your advice on something.. God related. If you are up for it, could I email you”
After several back and forth emails, and some prayerful preparation, Beth and I met over the phone. Angry to have joined the club that none of us choose, Beth’s horrific story was unimaginably tragic. Feeling forsaken, desperate, and very alone, Beth contacted me. Amazingly, in our exchange, I experienced what the Lord promises. I was indeed blessed to be a blessing. God had uniquely equipped me for the task, and because of what I had walked through, I had immediate credibility. With effortless spirit-filled ease, my words were the life preserver Beth needed. Please don’t misunderstand. It wasn’t me. Rather, it was God through me. And there is no better place to be, than living out your calling in the center of His will.
The Means
As I hung up the phone, tear stained and empty of myself, God gifted me with yet another layer of healing. For the first time, with the eyes of my heart, I could see evidence of His redemptive grace in my unique situation. In God’s economy, my ‘tragedy’ had become the means for the Lord’s blessing. Do you get it?
Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
A Picture of Redemption
God takes something dead and breathes life into it; repurposing it for our good and His glory.
This Thanksgiving as you consider your blessed life with perhaps an empty chair at your table, a new health challenge, or a prodigal who is still a far way off, maybe it’s time to expand your understanding of what it means to be blessed and enjoy what is only possible when you live out your “blessing.”
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
What a thought. What a responsibility.
And what a blessing it is to be His blessing.
For starters, would you join me by praying for Beth and her family.
Have a BLESSED Thanksgiving,
Debbie Hucke
Barb Frans says
Wishing The Hucke Family
A Blessed Thanksgiving
From The Frans Family
debhucke says
Miss you ALL!
Julia Merson says
Thank you , Debbie. You are a blessing to so many of us. Hope you and your family have a BLESSED Thanksgiving.
Will be praying for “Beth” May she feel the Holy Spirit healing her pain and God holding her hand.
debhucke says
Thank you Julia. The ideal prayer!
Anne kole says
Your words today are a beautiful, true blessing to me. Whenever I sing the Doxology of “Praise God from whom all blessings flow” it will have new significance to me. May you and your family enjoy Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. Love to all of you. ????
debhucke says
Amen and Amen Anne.
Glenda Demmie says
tHANK YOU dEB, your last 2 blogs have been right-on So Powerful and encouraging I pray always that God will use my frail life to bless others as He has blessed me. One of my greatest blessings is reading your blog every other Wed.
Thak you God for Debbie’s willingness to Bless me So Greatly and Sweetly.
Much LOve,
Glenda Demmie
debhucke says
Aww thx sweet Glenda. ????
Betsy Everett says
Thank you Debbie. God surely does work through you with this Blog to be a blessing to others.
Love you,
debhucke says
And it certainly blesses me. Thank you.
Steve Sobolik says
Luke 12:48 – “…And from everyone who has been given much shall much be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.”
I have long felt that any blessings from God in my life – material, physical, spiritual, etc. – are meant to be used through me to bless others. Blessings are a big responsibility! But a responsibility that, as a follower of Jesus, I gladly accept!
debhucke says
Steve, I have always admired how your walk the talk. I think many of us when walking through tough circumstances miss the blessing in and through them… so eager to return to our comfort and control. Happy thanksgiving to the Soboliks.
Emmy Browning says
You and your blog are such a blessing to me. Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Huckes.
debhucke says
Oh Emmy, Thank you! Your encouragement is a blessing to me. Happy thanksgiving to you too!
Gerrie says
Great Thanksgiving and Christmas blog. I read the blog in the morning when the house is quiet and I can reflect on the subjects that you write, you are a blessing to me.
debhucke says
Gerrie, And you are a blessing to me too! I thought of you with my closing paragraph.
Ginger Horner says
Your message today was perfect in its timing and words. Yes, a very difficult time, challenges, etc. can be turned around to be a blessing to others. I have had my share and I have learned that those times can help others. It is not me, either. It is God using me for His purpose.
Thank you, always for your blogs and timely and thoughtful messages.
Happy Thanksgiving to the Hucke’s and a Happy Birthday to the Hucke who played hooky a couple of weeks ago to go to a football game.
Ginger Horner
debhucke says
He will deny it… but he joins my decade tomorrow. Thanks Ginger.
Ginger Horner says
Deny away but I did his genealogy!
debhucke says
Christy says
Hi Debbie.
Thank you for this truth. An important reminder for me. Happy Thanksgiving.
Sending my love,
debhucke says
Thank you friend! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Molly Minana says
Thank you, Debbie, for addressing the word, “Blessed,” a word that for me has become secularized and commercialized. You really explained it well for those of us who need a reminder now and then. Your messages are a blessing to me and to so many others! I wish you and your precious family a very Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!
debhucke says
Thank you Molly. I appreciate your kind comment. All for our good and His Glory! Amen.
Cinda says
Well said. Praying for your friend and family!
debhucke says
Thank you Cinda. She will appreciate it. Happy Thanksgiving.
Dennis Wilson says
This a great message and all too often when people are blessed materially they turn inward and focus on self. On the other hand God does bless people materially and I believe often to test them like the story of the talents. The two who invested where creating blessings for others by multiplying God’s blessings given to them. The one who buried is often what happens to those who receive material blessings and then turn to self. I believe there are many who put the “blessed” decal in their windows truly wishing to proclaim their own gratitude. Hard to know someone’s heart from a decal. It’s nice to know your heart from the words you share. You are a walking, living, breathing and writing blessing.
debhucke says
Thanks for your comment Dennis. And your kind words. Material blessings definitely can trip us up. Thank goodness for His grace for being works in process.
Terri says
Thanks for this wonderful reminder that we must live out our Blessings or they count for little. Praying for Beth
debhucke says
Thank you Terri! One of your Mexican dishes made it to our thanksgiving table. 🙂 Miss you.
Karen Chalmers says
What a “blessing” (& I mean that in the BEST sense of the word) you are. God has used you in a mighty way to bless others.
Praying for your friend. Thankful she was led to you!
debhucke says
Thank you Karen. I do feel blessed indeed. 🙂
Ruthie Mendoza says
Thank you for such an inspired meditation on the meaning of blessing, Debbie. We humans are so good at trivializing God’s gifts.
debhucke says
Thank you ruthie. I agree with you.
Berta Pitzer says
A great reminder of Jesus’ message on being blessed! Love it! Being thankful and recognizing the depth of how He blesses us even in the “bad, horrible” times. I, too, have been focusing in on that as I’m struggling with our daughter’s over 20 year battle with Chronic Lyme. Now that they’ve declared it’s gone (thank you Jesus), she’s still fighting for her life. Yet she remains hopeful and grateful and KNOWS God’s plan is perfect and she keeps fighting! Please join me in praying that she’ll be able to walk again. She has a very old spinal injury that hasn’t healed properly in 28 years!!!!! The agony of this was covered up by all the Lyme symptoms and her being told repeatedly by many (including me) that sometimes we just have to push through the pain. Bad advice. We need to listen to what our bodies are telling us. Please pray for total healing and for her to be made whole by the blood of Jesus! He’s brought her so far! I know he’s not finished yet!!
debhucke says
Praying Now !!! Come Holy Spirit. We love you and trust you for the miracle of restored health. Please help jessica to walk again! We wait with expectancy. You sovereign Lord, get the final word on how this story ends! Amen.
Berta Pitzer says
Thank you!!! I’m trusting Him! I’ll keep you posted. Saw an orthopedic surgeon today and he said to keep up the PT. She’s thinking it’ll probably take another year to be whole but she’s hopeful the muscles supporting the spine will respond quickly.
debhucke says
debhucke says
Thank you. I’m delighted you found it.