Phew. We are home. I didn’t give it much thought before we left, but returning to the US was even more dicey than leaving. In Placencia Belize, at the tiniest of airports, there was a convenient, albeit expensive, rapid testing center that would get the final say. After a fantastic week spent almost entirely outdoors, Becca and I waited our turn to witness an unfortunate asymptomatic 18 year old, traveling with her mother and sister, not make the cut. “You can test positive for up to five weeks,” the technician cautioned, bringing us back to the harsh reality of the world we live in.
With no plan B, our 15 min rapid test felt like two weeks. So far travel in 2022, especially international travel, is not for the faint of heart. Remember back when all you had to worry about was whether or not your luggage would make it?
Losing Sight of the Prize
But all of that is old news. Able to use that same covid test to be approved for shoulder surgery, I peck away left handed, four days post op. Even though rotator cuff surgery had been on the calendar for months, as the day approached having heard some horror stories, I questioned it. Did I really want to persevere through all that would be necessary— pain, being helpless and severely limited, AND… utterly dependent on others with no guaranteed outcome? Besides, I had adapted well and it had not been hurting that badly.
Doug, not willing to give credence to my whining, asked me… “since when would you settle ? Have you lost sight of the prize?”
I’m thankful for his perspective that jolted me back on track.
My Word for 2022
All the travel time and disrupted routine pre and post surgery, has been the ideal backdrop to contemplate my word for the year. I’ve been thinking and praying and asking the Lord to weigh in.
I’m sure I’m not the only one, but going on year three of this pandemic, I’m weary of all of it. It has been virtually impossible to just ignore it and live life. Covid 19, hospitals, masks, new variants, vaccines, boosters and court cases about it all, continues to be the constant drum beat. Turn off the news and you still can’t escape a barrage of reminders from commercials, billboards, even retail establishments. Regardless of where you land on the subject, we’re all sick of it.
It has been my prayer for sometime that the dam of TRUTH would break. That truth would flood the air waves –not the fact checked, sanitized, filtered version, but unadulterated truth. And then it occurred to me… that’s it. That is my word. TRUTH. The Truth should be my focus.
John 8: 32 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
I’m not suggesting that I have a corner on the truth. But I am a disciple of The Truth, and I trust His claim to be the final arbiter.
Our Kryptonite
The sometimes inconvenient reality of truth, is that The Truth will have the final say. The dam will break.
Truth is our kryptonite. And the way I see it, the benchmark of real discipleship is to persevere in truth.
Romans 12:2. NLT Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
How do we pursue truth? By yielding our minds to transformation by God Himself.
For months now, I’ve been searching for truth in all the wrong places. I had hoped that by listening to the right “experts”, or the right news sources, they would help things to make sense and bring me peace. What futility?! The only truth that will liberate my soul and free me from sin forever is the Truth of the gospel. And His name is Jesus.
In my exasperated effort to make sense of things on earth, I had taken my eye off the prize. I lost focus of The Way, The Truth and The Life.
1 Corinthians 13:12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
When we look at the awful mess of our world, it’s easy to be disheartened. But the way I see it, God wants to ween us of what may seem reasonable to us. I’m quite sure when Moses came upon the Red Sea, God’s solution didn’t seem reasonable. I think 2022 poses a Red Sea moment for us Truth followers.
Someday, when the dam breaks, every knee will bow and every tongue confess. (Philippians 2:10,11) Someday, Truth will prevail, and this upside world will make sense. And until then, I take comfort in diligently pursuing The One who will make things right.
“No Jesus, No Peace.
Know Jesus, Know Peace”
(author unknown)
Dear Jesus, I praise You for being The Truth. Forgive me for my misguided quest for understanding. Thank you for leading me to this inspired word. Help me to realize that with my eye on the prize, I’m able to persevere in this Red Sea moment. Father, I ask you to mold me and make me more into Your likeness. Thank you for the gift of Peace that comes when I trust that in the end You will make things right. Amen.
Terri says
I like it Debbie. Like you I have been misguided in seeking “knowledge” or the truth about things these past many months. Only in this new year and in rededicating myself to my Lord and Savior, and total trust in Him, am I beginning to feel more calm and more joyous about life! I pray the same for you. BTW, “empowered” is my word and it is just what I need this year, top remember that I am empowered! God bless you and I pray you are continuing in that mutual journey of ours to let go of whatever it is that you decided to let go of several months back – that really tough decision you made.. I am perservering in that endeavor as well.
debhucke says
Amen Terri. I am holding firm. Thank you for your kind gentle accountability. God is faithful. And I will need Him to see it through.
Anne kole says
Spot on, Debbie. In this age when worldly truth is so fluid and relative, we must remember that truth is a person. Jesus is truth and he is solid. During this pandemic, I’ve tried to consistently delve into scripture, which speaks of him. When I am overwhelmed, Jesus steadies me. When I’m discouraged, he brings a word or a circumstance or a friend and lifts me up. I am thankful to be God’s child. I cannot imagine being without his presence and love! Keep on keep in’ on, friend. You’ve chosen an amazing word for 2022! You are a person who always reminds me of The Truth. Thank you.????
debhucke says
Anne… I loved your first sentence. Such a contrast. Worldly truth is fluid versus Truth is a person. I desperately need something solid to cling to right now. Thanks as always for your encouragement.
Betsy Everett says
Thank you as usual for sharing your thoughts. Yes we are all tired of the pandemic and hearing about it, dealing with it, and “putting up” with what we are required to do. But then I remind myself how really easy and comfortable our lives are compared to those before us; those during the WW2, those early pioneers, even thinking about Moses and the Israelites!
What changes my focus is watching for Gods creation; like the sunrise and sunsets, the nightly planets and constellations, seeing the return of Venous to our eastern morning sky!
I too was feeling overwhelmed and thinking that perhaps I had taken on too much lately. So I prayed for Gods strength. Then when I took the Word test, mine was empowered. And like others, I have since felt lifted up by His Power and Strength.
debhucke says
Wonderful Betsy. His power and strength our available to us and too often we don’t even access them.
Ginger Horner says
I could not agree more, Debbie that this year has been a rough one for so many of us. Loss of a loved one, serious illness’s, covid, restrictions–the list is long. I know many others that are going through similar situations. In that we are not alone.
But–and there is a big BUT here. We have our faith in our Lord and faith that He is with us and faith that we are not ever alone. That is what has sustained me the most. Going to Him in Bible study or in silent prayer–or not so silent is life sustaining. My word–after taking the DaySpring quiz is: Encouraged. Yes, it is a good word and I know that our God is with us. All we need to do is reach out to Him. There is a peace in doing that when things are like a whirlwind around you. Yes, last year was a whirlwind of many changes, challenges, and situations that I could not control. Yes, I do like to be in control. I am slowly learning to let go and let God.
Thank you for your blog, Debbie.
God Bless,
Ginger Horner
debhucke says
Thanks for your comments Ginger. Be encouraged! Amen.
Rhonda Hellwig says
Spot on Deb.
My word for 2022 is hope. I’m looking forward to how that word will show up this next year.
debhucke says
I love that word Rhonda! Hope breathes life into everything. Hope NEVER dies. Amen.
Kerry says
My word this year is encouragement. Timely and appropriate to get through another year of this pandemic and separation from “normalcy.” Your words do encourage me, Debbie, as always.
Hope you are healing well. I can empathize, I had surgery in May for the same diagnosis.
debhucke says
Yay. Glad you’re encouraged. I hope you’re ready for Pickleball by now. 🙂
Glenda says
Dear Debbie,
Thank you so much for this encouraging Word from the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have been in a season of allowing the enemy of my soul to overwhelm me with the intense corruption and evil in our world and need to change my perception and focus to Jesus, Who gives us HOPE! Yes! That is my word for 2022 Jesus is truth, the Anchor of my Faith and Theefore, I have Hope to persevere out of this Evil world of untruth as I wait for the redemption and restoration that He will bring. I pray for His Peace to invade my mind and Thank Him for making me his child and giving me so many years of a peaceful and protected life enjoying His presence and Blessings for so many years. Help me, Lord, to employ your strength so that I can function by Faith and not become overwhelmed. I rejoice that you, God are so Good and Will provide for my every need. Thank you for my Church friends and our Pastors, as they proclaim the Truth of Jesus and his LOVE.
debhucke says
Glenda. Yes! Way to turn it around Glenda. Hope is one of my all time favorite words. Thank you for your kind words. Debbie
Berta Pitzer says
I love your perspective on this past year and all you have been through!! Praying for your total healing! Find the right Physical Therapist for YOU!!
Thanks for revealing how we need to focus on the Truth!! Jesus is The Way, the Truth, The Life!! It’s been a focal verse for me all year to help keep me focused on HIM!
My word is Gratitude. Being thankful in all circumstances! Seeing God’s Truth and being grateful in the midst of whatever is surrounding me at the moment. Thank you for reminding me again!
debhucke says
Thanks Berta. Gratitude… Yikes. Good yet dangerous word. How important it is to steward our perspective.
Berta Pitzer says
Yes it is. Counting on God to keep my focus on Him!
debhucke says
He is up to it! Amen