It has been 79 days since I was inspired to publish my Manifesto. If you didn’t read it or would like a refresher you can read it here. Manifesto It was a bold public declaration to the Lord of the truth I know in spite of how it often feels.
As I reflect on this New Year, my manifesto looms large in it’s audaciousness. And even though I have tried, I just can’t move on from it.
Not Much has Changed
Because guess what… not much has changed with my circumstances. Becca’s long visit, Doug’s time off, Christmas, even knee surgery and my mother’s memorial have all been perfectly timed disrupters. But now that routine has resumed, it’s unavoidable. Things with Ian remain hard. With no obvious solution, life feels unfair, messy, complicated and confusing.
And as frustrating as that is, I know that my weakened dependency is precisely when and where the Lord does His best work.
2 Corinthians 12:10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Have you ever made some sort of a promise to God and then all hell broke loose as if to test your meddle?
Neon Lights
It’s as if the only noticeable change since my public declaration has been the neon blinking lights drawing my attention to that critical caveat. Unless I’m standing on the the solid rock that anchors me, my manifesto is meaningless. Apart from Him I can do nothing.
John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
One Word for 2023
For several years now, instead of a New Years resolution, I’ve found it more useful to identify one specific word for the year. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the word I’m led to serves as a signpost that refines my focus. With the support of scripture it has been a useful tool. Smack in the middle of my circumstances, the Lord has used a particular word to enrich me and grow my understanding of Him.
For me anyway, resolutions are all about DOING. It’s up to me and my will power which is inevitably unsustainable. The one word exercise is about BEING and leaning into who God wants me to BECOME. The bonus is, because real transformation depends on Him, it is sustainable.
This year, after some prayerful brainstorming, the Holy Spirit led me to the word UNCHAINED.
The TRUTH (my word for 2022) is…it’s because of Grace, I am free and unchained. Nothing can change that fact. In spite of how chained I can sometimes feel. I’m unchained…
- from my circumstances
- from Ian
- from societal expectations
- from my own sin
Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
The Apostle Paul
Surprised by this unusual word, I’ve been drawn to the the apostle Paul and the book of Acts. Scripture points out that Paul’s most prolific ministry happened while he was in prison. Ironically, while in literal chains, Paul’s message of freedom went viral. What a paradox!
Then…Acts 28:5 arrested me.
Important Context
For the previous two years, Paul had been attacked, beaten and falsely imprisoned. But then, his circumstances go from bad to worse. Soon after Paul and some fellow inmates set sail for Rome, they encounter a fierce storm. On choppy seas for two harrowing weeks, without food or rest, they fight to survive. Forced off course, they finally become shipwrecked on the coast of Malta.
Can you even imagine? Famished and bone weary, it starts to rain. The warmth of their fire draws out a poisonous viper that latches onto Paul’s hand. (We know it’s poisonous because the natives expect Paul to die.)
If there was ever a point in Paul’s life for him to be discouraged, that would have been it. He had endured years of hard. Challenge after challenge, and then at his lowest point, a viper attacks to finish the job.
Acts 28:5 Paul, however, shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm.
We’d like to think that it’s not a fair fight to “kick someone when they’re down.” But the enemy is no respecter of fair fights. In fact, it’s when we’re down, that he pounces.
If we’re honest, many of us have been walking through months or years of hard. The pandemic, the division, injustice, loss, sickness, death, … The way I see it, each of us has a personal viper that is trying to sink its teeth into us, to discourage us enough to take us down. What is that dark thing for you?
Pauls closeness with Jesus, no doubt deepened during years of hardship, prepared him perfectly. Even after that viper sunk its teeth into him, Paul could just shake it off and suffer no harm!
Shake off that thing!
With Paul as my example, I’m encouraged. It’s possible to just shake off that thing. And with His strength, you can too.
Faithful Father, I praise you for this adventurous life you’ve called me to. I confess that more often than not, my priority is ease and comfort. I’m grateful for how you use the hard things in life to prepare me for whats ahead. Holy Spirit, thank you for the word “Unchained” and for the encouragement found in scripture. Help me to live a big bold life in 2023 unchained while closely tethered to You. Amen.
Marybeth Barkocy says
Unchained is the perfect word God has given you. May you find renewed peace in hope knowing the trials of this world are temporary on our journey to eternal life.
Thank you for sharing scripture and insights that always inspire me.
debhucke says
Great to hear from you dear friend. Thanks for your comment… renewed peace in hope is my hearts desire. You nailed it. What an exciting year for your family. I am truly happy for you!
Krista Peterson says
Just re-read the Manifestó and it inspired me to look at my own attitude! It’s easier to grumble rather than to trust! Good reminder. Thanks Debbie!
debhucke says
Thank you Krista. Grumbling is easier for sure.
Cathy Philips says
Perfect timing for me. It will require much prayer and trust that God is charge.
debhucke says
Amen Cathy. He is in charge and also Faithful!
Martha says
Your “Manifesto” is on my desk where I can fill it in for me, thank you. “Trust” is my word for the year. And so the adventure continues.
debhucke says
Trust. What a perfect year for your adventure. Take comfort in knowing you are not alone. Miss you dear Martha.
Anne Kole says
Debbie, from outward appearances, you are one of the strongest people I know. I think it’s because no matter how hard life is, you are connected to the source of God’s strength. You can be unchained in the one sense and growing from the true vine of Jesus. You must be bearing more fruit than you know because he’s pruning you! It’s evidence that he’s caring for you. So be unchained from the world while clinging to the life source.
My 2023 word is actually two:
Be Still. I tend to be always doing. But if I am still I can know God and who he is. I don’t have to be a busy bee all the time.
Love to you and your family.????????
debhucke says
Oh Anne, You are such an encouragement! Be Still my friend. Did you know that in Psalm 46:10 Be Still actually translates to “cease striving”. I will prayer the Lord honors your desire.
Debbie, you are amazing and always make me feel closer to GOD-
We are so sorry to hear of your mother’s passing-We know how that feels.
Thank you for restarting your Blog-I know it must be a real time commitment! You have such a full plate.
We pray you are healing well.
We miss going to Church. We do feel blessed and thankful that we can ‘be at Church’ online- we have only missed 3 Services since Covid began in Feb of 2020.
God bless you and your wonderful family,
Toni & Clark Hulce
debhucke says
I’m pleased you find encouragement. I pray you’ll venture back some day! Love to you.
Emmy Browning says
Oh Debbie. Wonderful blog as usual.
debhucke says
Thank you Emmy.
Joan McGee says
Dear Debbie,
Here’s three words to describe your first blog of 2023…beautiful, perfect, and encouraging! I am blessed because you share your struggles and God’s truth, which in turn inspires me to do the same. Love you, dear sister!
debhucke says
That is my survival formula– brutal honesty and His redemption. So glad to know others benefit.
Joelda Hope says
Debbie, Love that you numbered the days since your manifesto release. 79!
Something about your gut exposed vulnerability that draws me to you. Love that about you. Makes me feel safe with you. It’s what first drew me to you. To listen deeper to the Jesus speaking thru you.
Well, that thing that bites me like a poisonous viper is LONELINESS.
It’s sting makes me ache. It’s an actual physical pain in the pit of my stomach.
I was telling myself to embrace it, however I now feel it’s time to SHAKE OFF THAT THING. (May there be a whole lotta shakin goin on) ????
Many thanks to you my friend for sharing from your heart.
My HOPE is in HIM!
debhucke says
OH Jojo… thank you for your email. I’m proud of you for naming your viper. Lord please honor Jojo’s desire to shake off that thing.
Cinda says
So well said- wise words to ponder on. Thank you!
debhucke says
Amen Cinda. Shake off that thing. Happy New Year!
Linda Lean says
Debbie, I’m encouraged by your blog and want to choose my word for 2023. (Not sure yet, but the word “release” seems to be on my heart) The reminders you shared surrounding Paul’s mission and the suffering and knock downs he endured are powerful!
Thank you for pointing so many to Jesus during the storms and joys of your life and for your honesty about your struggles. One thing I know is that God is the glue and He holds it all together. I felt this truth when my daughter went back to TX after wonderful visit for Christmas, and my heart was so empty. He showed me that He’s the glue, nothing else. I love how He pulls His beloved back when we pull away. Sending you love and prayers for strength to carry your cross.
debhucke says
Thank you Linda for your encouragement. I like your word release! Seems related to unchained. I also love the thought of the Lord being the glue and how He gently pulls His beloved back. Thanks for weighing in.
Berta Pitzer says
Debbie, it’s great to hear from you again! You always strike right at the heart of what’s happening in my world too! My word for the year is FREEDOM!! Close to Unchained. God is moving me to live in the moment and not to fret over the past or the future, but just BE in the present…with Him. BE with Him in His Freedom! He’s already set me free, I just have to receive it!! So that’s what I’ll be doing this year.
I will continue to pray for you and your family as you watch Jesus break every chain!!!!
debhucke says
Amen Berta. Yes. Freedom is indeed related to my sense from the Lord. I love how He is so personal with each and every one of us. I will pray for you too!