Who is still with us? How has the Lord met you this past week? Any fresh insights or perhaps dusted off old truths? I love that about scripture. You read a passage in January and give it a token head nod. You read it again in April and it leaps off the page and speaks into your life. What’s the difference? You are! That is why we can conclude that the Bible is the Living word of God.
As for me, I am staying the course, but if I’m honest, my circle seems un-impacted. But amazingly and thankfully my disappointment is in check which I can only attribute to the Holy Spirit. I invited Ian to come home for Easter and he has zero interest. Not even if I bribe him with laundry service or free food. Ian is distancing himself from God even more than he is distancing himself from us. Still, I am trusting God who loves Ian more than I do.
I continue to have sporadic fits with the technology. If you missed any this past week, they follow.
Stay the Course! Debbie Hucke
DAY 23,
DAY 24,
DAY 25,
DAY 26,
DAY 27,
Isaiah 55:8,9 (NIV)
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.“
As some of you know, I am a recovering control freak. I’m willing to bet you are too. Even low key, chill, go with the flow people want a little influence. To some degree we all want what we want when we want it.
Consider this… In the beginning, God gifted us with the ability to make choices. We first read about this in Genesis, in the garden. It’s called Free-Will. But in that same garden we inherited an innate desire for control from a different source, Adam and Eve. It’s called Sin.
For me, and I bet for you too, my strong desire to understand and control my circumstances becomes most evident when I am overwhelmed with life. I plead, God where are you? Why is this happening? How can I get out of this mess? And God’s response… silence.
I wonder if maybe I am asking the wrong questions. Of course I only know to judge the situation from my human perspective. And that is just the point. It’s not my job to figure out the why and the how and the when of what God is up to. My job is to trust my wise, loving, all powerful, all knowing, ever present, faithful heavenly Father.
Here’s the thing… when you’re upside down with excruciating circumstances you don’t have the energy to both trust God and figure out God. It won’t work! Thankfully, it can’t work. If God were small enough to figure Him out, He wouldn’t be big enough to handle your challenges. If you could figure out God, you wouldn’t need God.
In the end, as Isaiah points out in Chapter 55:8,9, we must respect the fact that God is God and we are not. Only then will we experience REAL freedom. Only then can we rest knowing WE ARE NOT IN CONTROL. He is. Thank God for that!
Dear Father, I praise you for your sovereignty. I sometimes think if I just understood your ways, then, it would be easy to trust you. Thank you for your patience with my foolish thinking. Thank you for loving me too much to allow me to mess up your perfect plan. Please help me to rest in your sovereign arms. I love you. I trust you. Amen
Debbie Hucke
Terri says
The verses from Corinthians on love touched me and reminded me I needed to be more patient within my circle. Then Tuesday’s blessing was a reminder do not fear for I am with you. Tuesday afternoon we received scary Medical results. I know and believe these devotions were sent by God especially for me this week. I will not fear, I will trust. Somehow with this change of circumstances this week, it seems easier to be patient, but that is probably temporary as it always has been. Patience has never been my strong suit. I know God is trying to teach me something and I trust him completely. I will not fear for he is with me. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me the gift of faith as a young person. Now keep me stronger than ever in my faith walk. I trust you, I need you, I love you.
debhucke says
Amen Terri! Todays sermon was all about how our faith can change. It can get weaker or stronger. What makes the difference… obedience to act on what we believe and trust God is who He says he is over and over and over again. In other words… practice it. You’re on the right track! Sorry about your news, but He will walk you through it! It’s a promise you can stand on!
Anne Kole says
I am staying the course, Debbie. Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. Nothing seems to be changing in my circle either! However, I am trusting that God is working even though I can’t see it. He is who I am hanging on to! Love you and appreciate your daily scriptures and thought.
debhucke says
Thanks Anne. I appreciate you.
Donna says
Debbie, while you may believe your circle may be focused on Ian, recognize that your circle is much larger as you impact each of us in profound ways each and every day! Without you as a facilitator for shining a light on God’s love, many of us would not be experiencing what we are experiencing. And for that, thank you! End of last week was really tough with me needing to hold firm on boundaries with my son. The consequences for both of us is tough as he has been blessed with my stubbornness!! With all of that said, the scriptures this week and my prayer has been centered on feeling God’s love and confidence that God has a plan and it isn’t my plan. Friends ask, aren’t you scared about what might happen and my response is of course, but I have to trust that this is part of God’s plan and that I will learn during this time of trials as much as my son. I’ve given my son to God and at this point, I am trying to be a facilitator, mentor and loving mom. I hold on to Isaiah 41:10 and remind myself everyday that God is with me and will strengthen me as he takes care of my family in HIS way and not my own!
debhucke says
Well thanks Donna. I love how your are standing on the His promises through fire of life!
M Moyer says
This was a rough week, and the prayers with your commentary helped through exhaustion and stress, I dealt with the family pet having a very noisy, worse at night, health crisis. I had to prepare my children for a grim possibility. Praying was a comfort and a reminder. The dog will be fine after a dramatic diet change…
debhucke says
Isn’t it amazing how broadly useful the scriptures are. Thanks for sharing!
Merna says
Still here and feel connected more than ever, it’s as if this week’s scriptures have come full circle and binded (not a word, but using it) it all together. Some of my circle no answer, but some yes! i.e. was chuckling in kitchen replacing my name as first word in Day 23, how humbling it was! My husband says what’s so funny? Ohhh, just my scripture today. He asked me to read it to him, was a good sharing time…… Day 25-reminded me of song I love, Give me Faith like Daniel in the lion’s den, Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness, Give me heart like David which will be my defense, to face my giants with confidence! I’ve seen this faith, strength and confidence through my friends this past week after their surgery and healing and in turn others are seeing it through them. Amazing Grace….. Day 28-this trickling and habitual scripture has made me be a constant in him. More of a connected branch. I find myself daily doing for him, talking to him, even singing during the day. If you remain in me…..Key words! LOL, I think I got “I want some of that!” Stay tuned for next week, could be a whole diff ballgame!
debhucke says
Thanks for checking in Merna! So pleased it has become a habit.
Karen Aylor says
I’m still with you, every day. Each mornng I write out in my little (exactly 40 page – how did THAT happen?) journal the scripture. I find that the simple act of writing it down deepens the meaning for me as it requires time and quiet consideration of each word- especially 1 Corinthians 13: 4-13! Afterwards I try to relate it to my circle – which frankly doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. But.
I know He knows. And His will will be done. And I trust him. And I love Him. And I know so deeply in my heart how much He loves me.
Thank you Deb for doing this for us.
debhucke says
Thanks for your report! He does know. He does love you deeply. Amen! I also like your process. I’m horrible at directions. When I drive a route (instead of as a passenger) I’m much more inclined to know the way the next time. I think you re-writing the scripture has tremendous benefit! Way to go.
Glenda Demmie says
Hi Debbie,
I’m still here trying to keep focused on my circle which has turned into a spiral with many things springing every-which-way this week. You and God provided the exact scripture needed to forward to my son in Japan, just after his email to me about an overwhelming problem he was facing at work that day. God took care of it! and we know He will continue to handle those things we turn over to Him. Even though we have been “springing” through exciting plans for celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary, and the sudden death of a good friend, and preparations for our granddaughter to come and live with us, this Prayer Challenge has been such a blessing to keep me on track, daily, with His Word to help me BE Still.
Jessica says
Sovereign and mud, yep – two words I can relate to. Debbie, thank you for sharing and for your honesty. My circle hasn’t changed but I find my outlook is bolstered. Walking on the mud, slipping and sliding, I am reminded where my foundation is. How fantastic that the Lord is sovereign and not trapped in the mucky mud of unknown in life. Your words are so on target, your willingness to share them is truly providential.
debhucke says
I love that spin… He is sovereign over the mud, walks us through the mud and will use the mud for amazing purposes. Thanks for your kind words.
Jane says
Not only am I still with you, Debbie, I eagerly look forward to each morning. My circle is expanding; it originally focused on a discussion I needed to have with someone, After much concentrated prayer and a golden opportunity, I had the discussion and am happy so share that it went very well, beyond all my expectations. God is good and His Word doesn’t come back empty.
debhucke says
What a fantastic report. So pleased you’ve had to expand your circle. Thanks for checking in! Amen to His word not coming back void.
Karen says
Still here as well, Debbie. Loving the progression in the Scriptures. Like some others following along, nothing in my circle is visibly changing, but my heart is changing as God’s love and care for us come through so clearly throughout all these verses.
debhucke says
Amen. Thanks for chiming in. Debbie
Tanna Cullen says
A quick note to let you know I am STILL with you and enjoy reading each entry. I am a couple days behind on the blogs. I think this is a great Lenten devotional and I am benefiting from and appreciate your efforts. Your brutal honesty is so relate-able and I cherish you emails. Thank you for sharing and bless you in your journey, too!
debhucke says
Thanks for responding Tanna. Pleased to hear you’re benefitting. For His Glory! Debbie
Merna says
I wish there was like and love emojis on here! I read all the comments and love them and relate to so many situations. Thank you Debbie and everyone! (hugs)
Sharon says
So far, so good. I’m here with you each morning and so thankful I can see God moving in my prayer circle! Thank you for leading us in this challenge Debbie, I really appreciate it.
debhucke says
Wooohooo. God moving in your circle …awesome! You’re very welcome. I have been blessed in the process.
Kathy says
Oh…what an incredible journey for both of us…ALL of us. The good, the bad, the ugly, but the beautiful! Still here…all in different places, but united in an amazingly Powerful Holy Spirit! Blows me away. The scripture, the timing are always spot on to what we need for the day and both challenges us and blesses us beyond words. God is moving in incredible ways in our lives. Through our distancing children, transforming ones, confused, and steadfast ones. They are all over the board with the changes that are taking place…but Nathan and I will continue to be there for them when they need us day or night. God is moving in Nathan and my life. WOW. Going to finish strong and want to continue this daily. Can’t tell you how much of an influence it has had on our lives. Thank you Deb. Know that you in our prayers and have blessed us all.
debhucke says
AMEN. AMEN. AMEN. How encouraging to hear.