On this Christmas Eve, eve of 2021, we remember the promise of Christmas then, and rejoice because it’s the promise of Christmas NOW. The Light changes everything.
Isaiah 9:2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darknessa light has dawned.
Those words from the prophet Isaiah are just as relevant and wondrous and threatening today as they were over 2000 years ago.
That’s the pesky thing about The Light; …it changes everything.
I do love the lights this time of year. I always have. Our small neighborhood cooperates for a spectacular impact. Every grapevine that borders the main drive is dripping with soft white icicle lights.
Radiance is everywhere.
Even though there are some fanatical Christmas decorators among us, we’re unable to cover the darkness. We must admit that in spite of the window dressing, the world is a dark place. But don’t miss the powerful symbolism.
When scripture speaks of darkness, it refers to both evil and ignorance. Consider what the world was like at the time of that first Christmas. Here’s the short list…violence, injustice, abuse of power, greed, homelessness, refugees fleeing oppression, family’s being ripped apart, bottomless grief. Sadly, it sounds a lot like today.
As I’ve studied the context of this popular Christmas passage I was surprised to read about their efforts back then, and how they tried to solve their problem of darkness.
Isaiah 8:19,20. 19 …Let’s ask the mediums and those who consult the spirits of the dead. With their whisperings and mutterings, they will tell us what to do. But shouldn’t people ask God for guidance? Should the living seek guidance from the dead? 20 Look to God’s instructions and teachings! People who contradict his word are completely in the dark.
Chapter 8 ends bleakly with verses 21 and 22. In summary, distressed and hungry, anguished and in dark despair, the people will curse God.
Looking to our Own Resources
Here’s the thing. NO ONE is capable of solving the problem of the evil and suffering. Not then. And Not now. Oh how history repeats itself. At the time of Jesus’ birth, people were looking to their own resources.
Is it really any different today? We humans want a world of unity and peace. We think with enough intellect and ingenuity, we can dispel the darkness. IF we had the right policies, we could overcome injustice, poverty and evil. IF we could work together we could create a world of unity and peace. Sounds a bit like a campaign speech doesn’t it?
But I wonder… Can we?
Vaklav Havel
One of the most thoughtful world leaders of the late 20th century was Vaklav Havel, 1st president of the Czech Republic. He had a unique vantage point to observe both socialism and capitalism and was not optimistic that either one would, by itself, solve the deepest human problems. Because science unguided by moral principals had given us the holocaust, he concluded that neither technology, nor the state, nor the market alone, could save us. Democracy alone wasn’t enough. A turning to and seeking of God was needed.
The truth is we CAN’T establish a world without darkness; We CAN’T build a world of unity and peace. Havel puts it well… “The fact that humanity thinks it can save itself with some political system or ideology, has only led to more darkness. If you turn to science to illuminate you, things look even darker.”
Makes you wonder about the catch phrase of the year, ‘follow the science’, doesn’t it?
But then … Christmas was born.
The Light changed everything.
When you walk into a dark room, in order to see reality you must first turn on the light. Similarly, when you live in a dark world, only through The Light, are you able to know reality.
Notice this nuance. Isaiah 9:2 does NOT say, FROM the world a light has emerged. Instead, it says ON the world a light has dawned. There is light outside this world. And Jesus has brought that light to us. In fact, Jesus is the light. (John 8:12)
While driving at night, if you turn your headlights off, you’re likely to crash. Why? Light reveals the truth of things, how they really are. Likewise, Jesus, the Light, informs everything else.
If that first Christmas brought the light, how do we access it today?
“For to us a child is born. To us a son is given.”
He can be ours only IF we receive Him. He doesn’t barge in and demand notice. The Light that covered the darkness with all its life and grace can only enter in if we receive Him. It’s not enough to simply acknowledge the nice story of a baby in a manger. But it’s necessary we receive Him as our own personal Light of life, our Savior and Lord.
Here’s the thing. When the Light dawns, you can’t just carry on like nothing happened. It’s not possible to act indifferently. On that first Christmas, no one said… Oh isn’t that nice, the Messiah is born. Isn’t He inspiring? Jesus makes me want to live a better life. No! The Light was so jarring, so threatening to the status quo, they were dumbfounded, lost in wonder, love and praise. The same can be true for you today.
Dear Gracious Lord, We praise you for the miracle of Christmas. Forgive us for keeping The Light boxed up in our nice safe Christmas traditions. Help us to allow The Light to enter in. Thank you that when we do, The Light changes everything.
Merry Christmas,
Debbie Hucke
Betsy Everett says
Loved the quote from Vaklav Havel. I was not familiar with him but what he said is so very true.
And I need encouragement every year to look to the Light of Jesus for my source of happiness- so thank you Debbie as always.
debhucke says
Indeed Betsy. I too hadn’t heard of Havel. That was my attempt to impress my intellectual husband. Ha. Yes, he of course, knew of him.
Helen Marie Brigham says
Thank you for the inspiration. Like you I haven’t been feeling very chrismassy…but maybe that’s the whole point…we are meant to be still, to listen for God’s message and to take in the magnificent light of Jesus. Merry Christmas Debbie and a Blessed New Year
debhucke says
Maybe you’re on to something… instead of feeling, we’re to know the magnificent light of Jesus. Thanks Helen-Marie.
Cat McKenzie says
I see from above comments there are others ,like myself, that Christmas isn’t Christmas E this year for a lot of us. I thought maybe because I’m old, but that only concerns my “decor” not my decorum. I’m writing in my Senior Chat group earlier, I realized again, that Christmas is not what we see, Trees, baubels,presents,Santa etc, but what we Feel inside,the way we share that very light you speak of Deb. It’s the kind of light ,that if we live in Christ we always have it within us keeping the Worlds darkness at bay. Like the Children’s Hym, ” This little light of mine”, I AM going to let it shine , hopefully very bright and very often, and all the time ,not just at Christmas to be taken down and stored away for next year. Shine on and have a Beautiful Blessed CHRISTMAS Celebrating Our Saviors Birth, The Gift of Himself, pure light.
debhucke says
Shine Cat Shine. I love your thoughtful words. AMEN. Debbie
Anne kole says
I too love the quote from Havel. Have never heard about him before. What a thoughtful, perceptive man. He is right.
And the light of Christ seems to reveal leftover darkness in me. That’s one reason, uncomfortable as it may be, that I read the scriptures. To me, Christmas is more than a joyful feeling. It is a joyful resolve for me to walk in the light of Jesus by faith.
Merry Christmas Debbie!
debhucke says
Well said Anne. Merry Christmas to you!
Berta Pitzer says
I’m with everyone else liking the Havel quote. So true.
Christmas celebration feeling hasn’t grabbed me yet. But knowing the truth and focusing on the reality of Jesus’ birth is overwhelming to me. God incarnate being the light of the world. Wow! I love how you always bring the focus on Him Deb.
Merry Christmas
debhucke says
Amen Dear Sister. Merry Christmas to you and your clan. Debbie
gail says
Lovely message Debbie. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
debhucke says
Thank you Gail. Same to you and your family. Debbie
Diane Newswander says
This states it very well Deb. Jesus is our hope and light. We can not rely on politicians or our own thoughts and decisions. We must seek God and pray without ceasing for the light of Jesus to shine brightly in this dark world. Thank you for sharing! Merry Christmas!
debhucke says
Thank you Diane. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to your whole clan. Miss you.
Kerry says
Well, you certainly impressed me with that quote from Havel. So true.
debhucke says
Well thanks Kerry. Happy New Year. Debbie
Cinda Garst says
Thank you! So much wisdom that is greatly needed!
debhucke says
Thanks be to God! May your 2022 be flooded with light!