Hello Pray-er,
I am very excited. We officially begin Ash Wednesday, March 6. Im praying that the Lord would bless your obedience; that you would do your part, so He could do His part.
I’ve learned more from Mark Batterson and his ideas behind a prayer circle. Ideally it isn’t a private event. I’m aware of some small groups who have taken this on as well as several couples. WONDERFUL.
It is NOT too late to join us. You are welcome to share this email with anyone you think could benefit. If you are uncertain of your status, click the green link to add your information. Rest assured that if you’re already subscribed, it won’t duplicate.
***Lenten Prayer Challenge***
If you’re venturing out on your own for this prayer challenge, please don’t isolate yourself. Tell a trusted friend about your venture. Ask them to pray for your discipline. In an attempt to foster some community among our online group, I will include a check in post each Sunday afternoon, just like today.
Weekly Check-In
The check in post will be your opportunity to bless our community with your light bulb moments, your questions and what the Lord is teaching you. I’ve already heard from many of you and it is selfish of me to be the only communication point. We learn from each other.
Please participate in the Sunday community post. Genesis 12:2 promises you are blessed to be a blessing.
Today is a practice run. What questions do you have? Please ask them in the comment section below. And/or just report your intentions for some gentle accountability.
As a reminder…
- First, be praying about what God would want you to focus on for this forty days. What is your circle?
- Second, consider using a journal. One of the surprise blessings of my public record on facebook following Ian’s accident was that I had a record of God’s faithfulness. I can go back and review where my prayers were answered with a YES. I also see where He answered NO, I have something better. And it’s obvious where God was changing me and my heart. Use your journal to record your thoughts, your prayers, your insights.
- Third, consider the where and when of your prayer time. For me, it will be in my favorite chair 7:30am with a cup of coffee. So you can plan, and to accommodate many time zones, my daily email will arrive at 7am EST.
- Fourth, make a commitment to yourself. You will get out of it, exactly what you put into it. Be all in.
Let’s expect God to do something amazing. Debbie Hucke
Janice says
No questions – I will be working on patience. Looking forward to being intentional.
debhucke says
Ouch Janice! What a brave undertaking. Thanks for your comment.
Mary Reith says
I have made my list of where I need to focus my prayers and I am excited to see how God will work in my life. My journal is ready.
Thank you for organizing this prayer challenge Debbie. You are a blessing!
debhucke says
Yay Mary. You are ready to go. Thanks for letting me know.
Martha Lilley says
Question: The check in post is that on the blog? How do I access the blog? I just subscribed to the blog now.
debhucke says
Yes Martha, The check in post is through my blog, but was only sent to the Lenten Prayer subscribers. I did it that way so there could be some public communication. On each daily email I send there is a link at the bottom to my blog. And sometimes I’ll direct you to where to “dig deeper” if you choose. Glad to have you!
Dorma says
You said, “With your circle in mind, you simply pray His word back to Him as you focus on where you want His touch.“ So that is essentially what we will be doing? Identify our circle. Read your daily scripture and pray that back with our circle in mind. Is that the basic exercise? Do we articulate where and how we want His touch?
debhucke says
Thanks Dorma, Other’s have asked. I appreciate your question. Each daily email should give you a bit more direction. As we go, God may tweak what your circle is. For example, my circle is Ian and decisions about his next steps. As I’ve been circling Ian in prayer, God has made me realize Ian’s God relationship (which is non existent) is a high priority. As we proceed, your circle may evolve. Every scripture I share may not EXACTLY apply to your circle. But it will apply to you in some way. Bottom line… Don’t overthink it. This isn’t supposed to be a special “technique”. Show up in prayer and God will direct you. I hope that helps.
Yvonne P. says
So our circle might change, depending on your daily post? And can our circle be more than one person/situation?
debhucke says
Yvonne, You’ll get the hang of it as we go. The truth is… if you’re in God’s presence praying you really can’t make a mistake. The idea behind the circle is to FOCUS on something that you need His counsel, touch, etc. It is out of your reach. And through the forty days He may redirect you. Prayer is two way communication. I hope that helps. Debbie
Dorma says
Overthink…that’s me! Exciting things have always happened because someone showed up. I’ll be there! Thanks, Debbie.
Linda H Kirby says
We have been in the new house 5 months and all the boxes are gone. We have settled into the Grandkids activity schedules and transportation schedule so I am ready to see where my new community and church can best use my skills and talents. I will be praying for God to lead me where I can help, laugh, pray, feed, and be a light here.
debhucke says
Sounds like the ideal focus, Linda. Thanks for sharing.
Wyatt Young says
Need to work on trust issues and mine own abilities to keep my feelings free from other influences
debhucke says
Yikes… I can’t relate. HA! Since I’m a recovering control freak, trust will be well represented. Thanks for sharing Wyatt.
Brenda Canter says
I am just finishing my masters degree and I am starting to look for a new job as a nurse practitioner. I began to panic as I am having a hard time finding a job. I need to let go.. and let God! I am a control freak at times and I desperately need to hand my reigns over to God! He brought me to school, through school, now I need Him to show me where it is He wants me 🙂
debhucke says
That sounds like an ideal circle! Yes, I can relate. Control freaks UNITE. 🙂 We are so forgetful when it comes to His faithfulness. I hope you plan to use a journal. That helps to have a record for future reference.
Rachel Howard says
Congratulations on finishing your degree! I am also a Nurse Practitioner. You will find the place you are meant to be, even if it seems to take a little while. It took me some time to find my niche as well. I’m thankful we have an adaptable career and we can choose many different paths!
Glenda Demmie says
I’ll be focusing on what God has for me to learn as I trust Him to make me a blessing to my granddaughters’ who are in Japan.
debhucke says
Amen Glenda. So glad you’re joining us.
Vickye Blatherwick says
I am challenged to trust God for the little things in My life that sometimes are overwhelming. I am ready to pray and believe. My journal is ready.
debhucke says
Giving Him the little is BOLD, Vickye. Luke 16:10 . What a great focus. I’m excited for you.
Rachel Howard says
I have never taken on a prayer challenge such as this and I’m looking forward to it. As I mentioned to Debbie upon signing up, my thoughts and prayers lately have seem so jumbled. I’m looking forward to finding a focus and am hoping to work with God to make everything that’s tumbling around in my head more concise and clear. I know that He will show me the way. Thanks Debbie!
debhucke says
Thank you for your honesty Rachel. I love how He can transform anything… including our jumbled agendas. I think as we go forward… your frequency will become better tuned to hear Him!
Bonnie Scott says
I’m looking forward to the upcoming forty days. So many things to think about, waiting for answers from the Lord.
debhucke says
I pray He blesses your obedience.
Carol says
I am leaving to go to Israel in the middle of the challenge and will not have phone access. Perhaps I should have thought of this first. Is there a way to delay the daily emails until I return?
debhucke says
Sorry, That is over my head technically. They will be titled with the Day. Day 12 for example. So you can just resume when you return in numbered order. Enjoy your trip. Have a fabulous time!!!
Tina V says
Used Mark Battersons prayer circle book and daily devotion all of last year. It really hit home with me and helped me to stay focused and “circle back” on my initial prayer circle. In this busy world it is so easy to get distracted and forget.
During this 40 days of lent Jake will be traveling back and forth to Houston for a new trial…Gods timing is perfect and I look forward with expectation to The holy spirits nudgings!
debhucke says
Wonderful. Yes it’s a bit of a challenge to explain the circle ad
equately without the advantage of all of Mark Batterson’s teaching. But with the Holy Spirit’s direction, you can’t go wrong.
Christy says
Looking forward to being together Debbie!
Thank you for the encouragement and tool. Love you, Christy
debhucke says
Amen! Thank you my friend. Debbie
Terri roseth says
Debbie, just reading you are praying for each of us brings tears. God is so good and so loving and so are my loving Christian friends. Like you, my 40 days Circle is starting out with a singular purpose, my husband. Paco does not rely to any extent upon God, either for the small things are the big things. He is incredibly self-reliant as am I. However without god, without Christ, I would be nothing. I have been praying for over 20 years that something will spark God’s love within Paco, something he might reach for. Having been raised in a harsh Catholic environment, not his family but the church, he has much discomfort about even attending church. Now in our new community of Pagosa Springs he is visiting different churches with me each time I go, and I praise the Lord for this. He seems to be drawn to the First Methodist which we have attended two times. The people there are so lovely, committed Christians, so now I have broadened my circle to include that church. And wrapped up in all of that is the question: is this the church God would have us attend? Thank you for organizing this larger Circle and for being Who You Are. It is lovely to read the thoughts of others as well and remain connected to SPC in this way. God bless you.
debhucke says
Wow Terri. I am proud of your courage to share your focus. I am excited and expectant for what God will do! Blessings. Debbie
Jenny Mills says
During this busyness of our life right now and all of the pulls on my time, I’m focusing in on a general prayer to seek Him constantly in prayer. This means not just my morning devotional time, but in the mundane during each day—to pray constantly for direction, window, for others…whatever! I want to hear His voice more loudly than my own. Thanks for putting this together, Deb. Hugs and love to you and family.
debhucke says
Yes… keeping Him in the forefront is easy to let slip. I’m glad you’re participating. Debbie
Kathy says
Hi Debbie: I am excited to participate. This will be a new experience for me. I am praying to be faithful. To God be the glory!
debhucke says
Amem. To God be the GLory. Debbie
Joan Clover says
Never been involved in this kind of thing before and am prayerfully looking forward to it. Am praying to stay focused in my prayer vigil. l love you for reaching out. Thanks Debbie.
debhucke says
Awesome Gramma Joan!
Kathy says
With our quick move, our whole family has “dispersed” and not together. Everyone is processing things in a different way. Grieving differently. We are firmly convinced that we are where we are suppose to be as a couple. Story after story of His blessings and confirmation. But our children don’t all agree. So what has come to me as I read your last blog and “preparing” for Lent was to truly understand His Love for me…His Holiness…His Glory…in other words who He is, and with that comes Healing in many different ways. It is too easy to slip away and take it/Him/relationship all for granted. Mark Batterson has been a go-to for me for years and a gift to me when my boys and I went to Korea, Germany, Austria, and Italy. When you get away from the norm, you have more time to focus on Him. So looking forward to this journey. And being held accountable. Blessings
debhucke says
Sounds like good timing. And I love that focus. Debbie
Anita V says
I will be praying for the calming peace of the Holy Spirit and direction in my life. I’m all in! Thank you, Debbie.
debhucke says
Wonderful Anita. Delighted to have you. Praying alongside you.
Beth says
A friend told me about this challenge. I look forward to your email and spending time in prayer each day. I am praying for peace
debhucke says
Delighted you have joined us Beth. Be expectant for the Lord to answer. Debbie
Debra Harbaugh says
I am anxious to get started! Thanks for being such a wonderful Christian and one that we can all count on for this wonderful prayers during Lent. God bless you and Doug.
Debra Harbaugh
debhucke says
Hmmm … the pressure is on! Ha. Thanks Debra.
Carolyn says
This is a first for me. But I look forward to the discipline of a pattern to follow. We will be traveling part of this time in an Islamic country and I have always admired the Muslim daily calls to prayer as a reminder to the faithful to pause in their daily routines and talk to God. This will be my equivalent. My focus will be on seeking guidance in making good decisions for my elderly, mother with worsening dementia.
debhucke says
Sounds ideal! May He bless your obedience.
Gretchen McKinney says
Thank you, Debbie, for this. I so need it! I will be praying for my husband and my girls…each in a different way. I look forward to hearing from you…and from Him as He guides my family.
debhucke says
It helps me too! I love circles around families!
Merna says
Surfing my phone looking for something to have a more meaningful, disciplined Lenten season and just noticed your challenge. This is new for me too. Many things I’d like to circle, I think my focus could start with regularly reading his word on a daily basis and to be able to discipline myself to continue even after Lent. This will be hard for me and in the middle of it all maybe my focus will include more that is in my circle I’d like to improve. Thank you Deb for offering this.
debhucke says
So pleased you’ve decided to participate. May the Lord bless your obedience. Debbie
Halecia W says
With so many things running through my head and so many pulls for my time and attention, I look forward to pulling out my journal again. I am still struggling with what to draw my circle around as there are so many things in life that need prayer right now. I know God will draw something more specific out into the open, out into the center of that circle, just for me. Much like Jenny M, I need to push myself into something more than my morning and evening devotional times. I need to push to constantly seek him all day long…and then to remember to share more of that with the young people I influence.
debhucke says
In full agreement Halecia! He’ll direct you. Thx for your comment.
Bonnie Scott says
I’ve been at a loss for so many weeks. I realized I needed to get back into the Bible, and this challenge and (you) have made it possible. I look forward each day to see what our lesson is, and where it will take me. This is a Blessing for me, and hopefully for those around me.
debhucke says
YAY! Bonnie. That is delightful to hear!
Judy says
I am late in joining this but want to be a part of it. I hope that will be possible.
I look forward to hearing from you each day.
debhucke says
Happy to have youJudy! I hope the experience blesses you.