We left Gunnison, Colorado on the Sunday touted to be the “peak weekend” for fall foliage. In the middle of nowhere, headed to Estes Park, we hit the mother of all traffic jams. With no cell service we couldn’t find an alternate route even if there was one. Doug resorted to the radio for entertainment and found a scratchy signal for the bronco game. He kept adjusting the dial hoping for improvement. Since the Broncos were playing so poorly, the listening conditions seemed fitting. But, eventually, in time to hear the punishing final few minutes, the signal became clear. Final score Buccaneers 28, Broncos 10.
If Only
It made me wish ‘tuning in’ was always that simple. If only I could adjust the dial or drive to a better location to get a crystal clear signal from the Lord. For weeks now His voice has been unclear, scratchy, confusing even. “God, why can’t I hear you clearly and what do I do next,” I demand.
Have you ever felt as if you’ve lost your signal to the Lord? You pray but you’re still as confused as ever? While trying to figure out your next step, you’re frustrated and impatient with His silence. Then, because it seems futile, you quit making the effort. And just like that you’re disconnected.
The Problem
Here’s the thing… the problem is not with God; the problem is with us.
We often miss His guidance, because we don’t give Him free reign. Instead we filter His voice listening only for confirmation of our narrow desires. We attempt to manage the outcome by managing God. And He refuses to work that way.
Isaiah 55:8,9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
When we experience God’s silence and sense his absence, it’s vital we know and trust His presence.
Good News
Traumatic brain injuries are not static or predictable. Ian’s TBI will plague him for the rest of his days. Still, he has indeed made progress and believe it or not, Ian is in his last semester at the University of New Mexico. He is dependent on support, but… he is making it. By Christmas, we expect to have another college graduate.
Remarkable ! Fantastic ! Amazing !
Dark Uncertainty
Still, in the wake of all of the anticipated celebration, I feel a somber weightiness. God, what is next for my handsome ginger? And then what… when he outlives his parents/ guardian? The future is dark and uncertain.
My Pride
Troubled, and feeling alone and vulnerable, I turn back to His word and realize my pride is to blame. Even if my head knows the truth, my heart wonders…God, if you are in complete control, why did you let it happen in the first place? Like a retread tire, I’ve been over this ground before. But now faced with another hurdle, it seems as if I’m back where I started from, entertaining the lie that God got it wrong.
It’s a conundrum that every one of us must wrestle with. Is God good when the outcome isn’t?
God could have…
God could have prevented the cancer or stopped the hurricane. He could have healed the child or halted the pandemic. God could have doused the fire, or blocked the bullet. And instead, He allowed them.
While Ian was crossing Lead Ave in Aug 2017, a truck traveling 40mph hit him, dumping him on his head, six weeks after brain surgery. And my sovereign Lord could have prevented it. There… I said it. It still stings, and always will.
The test is this…
I must reconcile a bad outcome with a good God. And the only way that’s possible is to harness my faith. Until I do… my signal will remain scratchy and cut off from Him, I can do nothing. (John 15:5)
The Bible is clear. It declares over and over and over that the Lord is good. Look up “goodness” and you’ll discover dozens of verses.
Nahum 1:7, Psalm 100:5, 1 Chronicles 16:34, Psalm 27:13, Psalm 34:8, Psalm 119:68, Psalm 31:19, 1 John 1:5, Ezra 3:11, Psalm 25:8, Psalm 33:5, Exodus 34:6, Psalm 92:15, Exodus 33:19, Lamentations 3:25, 1 Peter 2:3
Faith fills in the gaps
God’s goodness is not in question. But when circumstances seem in conflict with His goodness, our faith is necessary to fill in the gaps. Otherwise, trust is impossible. How can you trust a good ‘only-sometimes’ God?
The way I see it, God’s goodness is like the moon in the night sky. The moon is always round even though most nights we only see a portion. God is always good, even though many nights His goodness is clouded from our understanding.
What about You?
Do you have an old wound that seems to conflict with a good God? Does it sometimes ooze? Pretending you’re over it, when you’re not, will keep you stuck in a rut with a scratchy signal. Even though the Lord doesn’t owe us any explanation, He will be gracious and kind as we feebly lay our hurt and confusion at His feet. That’s what redemption is all about. He transforms our pain into something glorious for His kingdom. Beauty from Ashes.
Dear Sovereign Lord, I praise you for Your goodness, even though when things don’t make sense, I’m tempted to question it. Forgive me and help my unbelief. Thank you for your living word, that speaks the truth when I can’t hear your voice. Remind me that You are good, not because You give me the clarity and understanding I want, but because You give me Yourself. In the meantime, I take comfort in knowing that my tears moisten Your cheeks. And, one day You promise to do something about it. I love you and trust your goodness. Amen.
Vickie says
Amen and Amen. It is good to know others struggle with the knowledge that something could have been prevented. Even in our anger and bitterness about what could have been stopped or had a better outcome it’s great to be able to keep it real with God. He totally understands our honest feelings and thoughts. I appreciate your voicing yours this morning. It gives us all the courage to do the same. And yes, God will right things later. That is my hope and peace. I too have been wrestling with the whys of a situation in the past and its outcome and why it happened at all when God was in charge.
debhucke says
Ponder that one day it will make sense and we’ll be grateful He got it exactly right in the first place. Thanks Vickie.
Anne Kole says
Your honesty is refreshing and it exposes the way most of us experience pain, loss, and unanswerable questions. But I love what you said about God giving us himself. He is the greatest gift. And one day he will wipe away every single tear and make all things right and new. Then we will know what he’s really been doing for us all along. That’s my hope. Thank you for your weekly blog. It is a highlight of my week!
debhucke says
Anne, thank you! What kind praise.
Jane says
Deb…We’ve all been there or are there in various circumstances. One help for me is involved with semantics. When it is difficult for me to rely on my wavering “faith”, I tell myself and I remind God that I “trust” Him to take care of the whatever is worrying me. Psa 56
debhucke says
Jane, thanks for weighing in. I love that perspective. God… This worry is on you. I trust you with it! ❤️
Leah says
Well, that was a punch to the gut. Thanks for your honesty and the reminders.
debhucke says
Leah, you were hand chosen! And He will equip you. Enjoy your escape!
Liz Ass says
What a perfect analogy to our walk with the Lord. My hardest faith exercise is ‘thanking God for my struggles’. WHAT! But so enters our degree of faith. Debbie, you are so right, sometimes it seems a scratchy connection with God. His word says no matter what ‘I will be with you and give you what you need in this struggle’. Thank you Lord. I think you have said many times this is a marathon and so it is.
I am so happy for Ian. I wish him many successes.
debhucke says
I’m hoping this is from the sweet Liz Bass. Yes, I find counting on His presence is essential.
Linda B says
I have asked God “why” more than a few times and you know what two of those times were. I had a dear friend tell me when I asked him why God allowed these things to happen and I said that was what I was going to ask God when I got to heaven and my friend replied “Linda, you won’t have to ask!” Those words give me comfort when I ask God why.
During theses uncertain times, I wish I was not alone, I long for a hug ( you remember that I am a hugger!) and feel anxious, I am comforted by the fact that God is in charge, He knows how it is all going to turn out and so “Fear not !”
debhucke says
Here is a virtual hug shrubby. I miss that too. And I MISS you. We saw the Cory’s recently and I so enjoyed looking back in time to our precious years in Peoria. Good to hear from you sweet Linda B. Much love Debbie.
Heidi Shepard says
I am always encouraged by your writing and analogies. So often I have wanted that “clear signal” from the Lord. So grateful for the reminder of resting in His incredible goodness, love, grace and Mercy!
debhucke says
Amen Heidi. Still revel in our recent delightful time together.
Hope Nelson says
Deb, thank you for your blog, it is always so timely in my life. Praying for your sweet ginger (I have one also) and his entire family. Hope N.
debhucke says
So wonderful to hear from you Hope. Thank you for letting me know. And what a bonus to receive your prayers. 🙂